S&P 500
09.03.2006 20:38:00
PerkinElmer Acquires Proteomics Labeling Technology of Agilix Corporation; Acquisition Solidifies Leadership Position in Quantitative Proteomics
This innovative technology is a superior approach for determiningthe relative expression level of individual proteins from multiplesamples with a high degree of precision. Samples are tagged and mixedearly in sample processing workflow, enabling simultaneous sampleanalysis and eliminating errors caused by spurious variation seen incurrently practiced serial processing workflows. This massspectrometry-based approach allows unambiguous detection andidentification of proteins without the use of analyte-specificreagents.
"The Agilix multiplex protein labeling technology represents abreakthrough in quantitative proteomics. This leading-edge technologyreduces the process workflow in proteomics analysis, and enables moreaccurate studies in protein expression kinetics and pharmacodynamics,"said Neil Cook, chief scientific officer, PerkinElmer Life andAnalytical Sciences.
This technology was first pioneered by Rockefeller UniversityProfessor Brian Chait, who said, "the ability to determine changes inthe levels of proteins as a function of time and circumstance is vitalto gaining an understanding of complex biological systems."
"PerkinElmer will use the intellectual property acquired fromAgilix to develop a number of new technologies that will bringquantitative proteomics to a wider range of customers in drugdiscovery," added Robert F. Friel, president, PerkinElmer Life andAnalytical Sciences.
The acquisition of this isobaric mass tag technology furtherstrengthens PerkinElmer's position as the partner-of-choice toproteomic laboratories and researchers, and complements the launch ofPerkinElmer's BioXPRESSIONS(TM) platform and the recent announcementof a licensing agreement for the multiplexing bead-based technologyfrom Luminex(R).
Factors Affecting Future Performance
This press release contains "forward-looking" statements withinthe meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995,including, but not limited to, statements relating to estimates andprojections of future earnings per share and revenue growth and otherfinancial results, developments relating to our customers andend-markets, and plans concerning business development opportunities.Words such as "believes," "intends," "anticipates," "plans,""expects," "projects," "forecasts," "will" and similar expressions,and references to guidance, are intended to identify forward-lookingstatements. Such statements are based on management's currentassumptions and expectations and no assurances can be given that ourassumptions or expectations will prove to be correct. A number ofimportant risk factors could cause actual results to differ materiallyfrom the results described, implied or projected in anyforward-looking statements. These factors include, without limitation:(1) economic and geopolitical forces that may limit any continued orexpected economic or end market strengthening or recoveries; (2) risksrelated to our failure to introduce new products in a timely manner;(3) our ability to comply with financial covenants contained in ourcredit agreements and our debt instruments; (4) a delay in resolutionof the Company's tax audits and an adverse determination with respectto the Company's tax audits by the Internal Revenue Service or othertaxing authorities; (5) cyclical downturns continuing to affectseveral of the industries into which we sell our products; (6) ourability to adjust our operations to address unexpected changes; (7)our ability to execute acquisitions and license technologies andsuccessfully integrate acquired businesses and licensed technologiesinto our existing business; (8) the loss of any of our licenses thatmay require us to stop selling products or lose competitive advantage;(9) competition; (10) regulatory compliance; (11) regulatory changes;(12) our failure to obtain and enforce intellectual propertyprotection; (13) our defense of third party claims of patentinfringement and our ability to realize the full value of ourintangible assets; (14) other factors which we describe under thecaption "Forward-Looking Information and Factors Affecting FuturePerformance" in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K and in ourmost recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q and in our other filingswith the Securities and Exchange Commission. We disclaim any intentionor obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result ofdevelopments occurring after the date of this press release.
Other Information
Health Sciences end markets include genetic screening,environmental, service, biopharma, and medical imaging. Photonicsmarkets include sensors and specialty lighting.
PerkinElmer, Inc. is a global technology leader driving growth andinnovation in Health Sciences and Photonics markets to improve thequality of life. The Company reported revenues of $1.5 billion in2005, has 8,000 employees serving customers in more than 125countries, and is a component of the S&P 500 Index. Additionalinformation is available through www.perkinelmer.com or1-877-PKI-NYSE.
Agilix Corporation is a research and development company engagedin creating protein labeling tools for quantitative analysis. Thecompany is located in Woodbridge, Connecticut.

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