03.06.2014 23:56:00
Banco Nacional de Mexico, S.A. -- Moody's downgrades Banamex deposit and debt ratings; financial strength placed on review for downgrade
Mexico, June 03, 2014 -- Moody's de Mexico has today placed on review for downgrade Banco Nacional de Mexico, S.A.'s (Banamex) C- standalone bank financial strength rating (BFSR). At the same time, Moody's lowered the bank's standalone baseline credit assessment (BCA) to baa2 from baa1. Moody's also downgraded Banamex's global local currency long term deposits and senior unsecured debt ratings, and the local currency provisional (P) senior debt program ratings to A3 from A2. The local currency short-term deposit rating and the local and foreign currency short-term provisional (P) senior debt program ratings were downgraded to Prime-2, from Prime-1. The long- and short-term A3/Prime-2 foreign currency deposit ratings and the Aaa.mx/MX-1 Mexican National Scale deposits and senior unsecured debt ratings were unaffected by today's actions.
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