22.02.2016 17:41:00
Tate & Lyle plc -- Moody's affirms Tate and Lyle ratings and assigns Baa2 issuer rating to Tate & Lyle PLC; stable outlook
London, 22 February 2016 -- Moody's Investors Service has today assigned a Baa2 long-term issuer rating to Tate & Lyle PLC (T&L). Additionally, Moody's has affirmed the backed senior unsecured long-term Baa2/(P)Baa2 ratings and the backed short-term Prime-2/(P)Prime-2 ratings of Tate & Lyle International Finance PLC (T&L Finance). The outlook on the ratings is stable. T&L is the parent company of the Group and guarantees the debt of its fully owned subsidiary T&L Finance.