30.07.2014 00:22:00
Bancolombia S.A. -- Moody's upgrades foreign currency ratings of three Colombian banks; stabilizes Bancolombia's supported ratings
New York, July 29, 2014 -- Moody's Investors Service today upgraded the long-term foreign currency deposit ratings of Bancolombia S.A., Banco de Bogotá S.A. and BBVA Colombia S.A. to Baa2, from Baa3, with a stable outlook. In addition, Moody's changed the outlooks on Bancolombia's long-term global local currency deposit and foreign currency senior unsecured debt ratings of Baa2 to stable, from negative. Moody's also upgraded the foreign currency senior unsecured debt rating of Banco de Bogotá to Baa1, from Baa2, but changed its outlook to negative, from stable.