27.10.2005 13:37:00

Progress Energy Announces 2005 Third-Quarter Results

RALEIGH, N.C., Oct. 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Progress Energy announced today that third-quarter ongoing earnings increased to $359 million, or $1.44 per share, up from $234 million, or $0.96 per share, for the same period last year. Third-quarter net income determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) increased to $450 million, or $1.82 per share, up from $303 million, or $1.25 per share, for the same period last year. See the tables later in this release for a reconciliation of ongoing earnings per share to GAAP earnings per share.


"The fundamentals of our regulated utilities continue to show strength and provide solid earnings," said Bob McGehee, chairman and CEO of Progress Energy. "With the addition of over 69,000 new customers during the last 12 months and the successful implementation of our cost management initiative, we have solid future growth prospects at the utilities."

"The results at the unregulated core businesses and synthetic fuel operations are in line with our expectations," McGehee said. "Based on the results so far this year, we are reaffirming our 2005 ongoing earnings guidance of $2.90 to $3.20 per share."

Core ongoing earnings, which include the results of Progress Energy Carolinas, Progress Energy Florida and Progress Ventures, excluding synthetic fuels, were $1.15 per share for the quarter compared to $1.20 per share for the same period last year. Higher retail electric margins during the quarter contributed to earnings growth at the regulated utilities, which were partially offset by higher O&M expenses. Lower margins at the competitive commercial operations and the loss of net income from certain gas divestitures in 2004 contributed to a decline in earnings for the unregulated core businesses.

Non-core earnings from synthetic fuel operations increased to $0.29 per share for the quarter, up from a net loss of $0.24 per share for the same period last year, primarily due to the recognition of 2004 tax credits and higher synthetic fuel sales.

For the nine months ended Sept. 30, 2005, ongoing earnings increased to $639 million, or $2.59 per share, up from $564 million, or $2.32 per share, for the same period last year. Reported GAAP net income was $542 million, or $2.20 per share, compared with $565 million, or $2.33 per share, for the nine months ended Sept. 30, 2005 and 2004, respectively.

The 2005 ongoing earnings guidance of $2.90 to $3.20 per share excludes any impacts from the CVO mark-to-market adjustment, discontinued operations of Progress Rail and other subsidiaries, and the postretirement and severance charges associated with the cost-management initiative and voluntary enhanced retirement program. Progress Energy is not able to provide a corresponding GAAP equivalent for the 2005 earnings guidance figures due to the uncertain nature and amount of these adjustments. The nature of these adjustments is discussed under the heading "Ongoing Earnings Adjustments."

SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS - Received regulatory approval of Progress Energy Florida's rate settlement agreement, which is effective from Jan. 1, 2006, through the end of 2009; the agreement provides an increase in base rates upon completion of the Hines 4 unit and continues the revenue-sharing provision at higher revenue levels. - Filed supplemental information to revise Progress Energy Florida's fuel rate increase to $600 million, due to actual fuel costs incurred through September of this year and projected fuel costs for the remainder of 2005 and 2006; if approved, rates would be effective Jan. 1, 2006. - Received regulatory approval to increase the fuel factor for Progress Energy Carolinas' North Carolina customers by approximately $138 million; the new fuel rates became effective on Oct. 1, 2005. - Completed a 38-day refueling and maintenance outage at the Robinson nuclear power plant that included replacing the unit's reactor vessel head. Prior to entering the outage, the unit experienced an exceptional operating run in excess of 474 days. - Filed a brief with the IRS National Office requesting technical advice on whether the Earthco synthetic fuel facilities were placed in service prior to July 1, 1998; refer to the Form 8-K filed Oct. 11, 2005, for further discussion of this issue. - Informed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of Progress Energy's plans to submit a combined construction and operating license for a new nuclear power plant. - Announced intent to convert Progress Energy Florida's Bartow plant from heavy oil to natural gas; the estimated $435 million project, pending approvals and permitting, will increase output by approximately 600 megawatts and reduce air emissions. - Renewed Progress Energy Florida's franchise agreements with the cities of Edgewood and Maitland. - Was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability North America and U.S. indices, which list companies that lead their industries in managing economic, environmental and social issues.

The complete press releases regarding these and other announcements are available on the company's Web site at: http://www.progress-energy.com/aboutus/news/index.asp.

THIRD-QUARTER 2005 BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS Progress Energy Carolinas - Increased GAAP net income at electric energy operations to $184 million, up from $175 million last year. - Reported higher retail electric margins due to favorable weather, growth and usage. - Set two consecutive records for all-time peak usage. - Added 29,000 new customers during the last 12 months. - Incurred higher O&M expenses primarily due to nuclear plant outages, the change in accounting estimates for certain outage and emergency work, and increased pension and benefit costs. Progress Energy Florida - Increased GAAP net income at electric energy operations to $151 million, up from $140 million last year. - Reported higher retail electric margins, net of revenue-sharing, due to favorable weather, growth and usage. - Set five records for peak summer usage. - Added 40,000 new customers during the last 12 months. - Incurred higher O&M expenses primarily due to certain planned projects deferred during 2004 as a result of hurricane restoration efforts, the change in accounting estimates for certain outage and emergency work, and increased pension and benefit costs.

See the attached Supplemental Data schedules for additional information on Progress Energy Carolinas and Progress Energy Florida electric revenues, energy sales, energy supply, weather impacts and other information.

Progress Ventures, excluding synthetic fuels - Reported GAAP net income of $5 million compared with $34 million last year. - Increased natural gas production at the East Texas and Louisiana properties, which exclude the North Texas divestiture in 2004. - Realized higher natural gas and coal prices. - Reported lower margins at competitive commercial operations primarily due to the expiration of certain tolling agreements at the end of 2004, higher fuel and purchased power costs and unrealized mark-to-market losses. - Incurred lower interest expenses due to the termination of the variable rate financing agreement in 2004 and lower selling, general and administrative expenses. Corporate and Other Businesses - Improved corporate ongoing operating losses to $52 million for the quarter, down from $57 million last year, due primarily to tax adjustments in the third quarter of 2004. - Increased other businesses' GAAP net income to $2 million for the quarter, up from a GAAP net loss of $2 million last year. Synthetic Fuels - Increased GAAP net income to $71 million, up from a GAAP net loss of $57 million last year. - Increased synthetic fuel sales to 3.0 million tons of synthetic fuel, up from 2.1 million tons last year. - Recognized approximately $27 million of 2004 tax credits as a result of finalizing the 2004 federal tax return during the quarter. - Reversed approximately $79 million of 2004 synthetic fuel tax credits during the third quarter of last year, due to the impact of the 2004 hurricanes on the company's projected tax liability. IMPACT OF CRUDE OIL PRICES

Despite rising crude oil prices during the year, the company currently does not anticipate any reduction in the amount of 2005 synthetic fuel tax credits due to the phase-out provision specified in Section 29 of the Internal Revenue Code. However, given the volatility in current oil prices and the uncertainty surrounding future oil prices, we are unable to provide synthetic fuel production estimates for 2006. We will continue to monitor oil prices and may adjust or discontinue production based on actual and predicted oil prices during 2006. Should oil prices remain at the current levels for all of 2006, it is unlikely we would produce any synthetic fuel next year. See our most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q filings with the SEC for more information regarding the Section 29 phase-out provision and oil price uncertainties.


Progress Energy's management uses ongoing earnings per share to evaluate the operations of the company and to establish goals for management and employees. Management believes this presentation is appropriate and enables investors to compare more accurately the company's ongoing financial performance over the periods presented. Ongoing earnings as presented here may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies. The following tables provide a reconciliation of ongoing earnings per share to reported GAAP earnings per share.

Progress Energy, Inc. Reconciliation of Ongoing Earnings per Share to Reported GAAP Earnings per Share Three months ended September 30 2005 2004* Core Non-core Total Core Non-core Total Ongoing earnings per share $ 1.15 $ 0.29 $ 1.44 $ 1.20 $ (0.24) $ 0.96 Intraperiod tax allocation 0.37 - 0.37 0.16 - 0.16 CVO mark-to-market 0.02 - 0.02 0.08 - 0.08 Progress Rail discontinued operations - - - 0.05 - 0.05 Postretirement and severance charges (0.01) - (0.01) - - - Reported GAAP earnings per share $ 1.53 $ 0.29 $ 1.82 $ 1.49 $ (0.24) $ 1.25 Shares outstanding (millions) 248 243 Progress Energy, Inc. Reconciliation of Ongoing Earnings per Share to Reported GAAP Earnings per Share Nine months ended September 30 2005 2004* Core Non-core Total Core Non-core Total Ongoing earnings per share $ 2.21 $ 0.38 $ 2.59 $ 2.26 $ 0.06 $ 2.32 Intraperiod tax allocation 0.11 - 0.11 (0.02) - (0.02) CVO mark-to-market 0.02 - 0.02 0.03 - 0.03 Progress Rail discontinued operations (0.08) - (0.08) 0.12 - 0.12 Postretirement and severance charges (0.44) - (0.44) - - - SRS litigation settlement - - - (0.12) - (0.12) Reported GAAP earnings per share $ 1.82 $ 0.38 $ 2.20 $ 2.27 $ 0.06 $ 2.33 Shares outstanding (millions) 246 242 * The prior year ongoing earnings have been restated to reflect the operations of Progress Rail as discontinued operations.

Reconciling adjustments from GAAP earnings to ongoing earnings as they relate to the current quarter and information included in the Supplemental Data schedules are as follows:

Intraperiod Tax Allocation

Generally accepted accounting principles require companies to apply an effective tax rate to interim periods that is consistent with a company's estimated annual tax rate. The tax credits generated from synthetic fuel operations reduce Progress Energy's overall effective tax rate. The company's synthetic fuel sales are not subject to seasonal fluctuations to the same extent as the electric utility earnings. The company projects the effective tax rate for the year and then, based upon projected operating income for each quarter, raises or lowers the tax expense recorded in that quarter to reflect the projected tax rate. On the other hand, operating losses incurred to produce the tax credits are included in the current quarter. The resulting tax adjustment increased earnings per share by $0.37 for the quarter and by $0.16 for the same period last year, but has no impact on the company's annual earnings. An effective tax rate adjustment was also recorded for Progress Energy Carolinas and Progress Energy Florida this quarter. Since this adjustment varies by quarter but has no impact on annual earnings, management believes this adjustment is not representative of the company's ongoing quarterly earnings.

Contingent Value Obligation (CVO) Mark-to-Market

In connection with the acquisition of Florida Progress Corporation, Progress Energy issued 98.6 million CVOs. Each CVO represents the right to receive contingent payments based on after-tax cash flows above certain levels of four synthetic fuel facilities purchased by subsidiaries of Florida Progress Corporation in October 1999. The CVOs are debt instruments and, under GAAP, are valued at market value. Unrealized gains and losses from changes in market value are recognized in earnings each quarter. The CVO mark-to-market increased earnings per share by $0.02 during the quarter and increased earnings per share by $0.08 for the same period last year. Progress Energy is unable to predict the changes in the market value of the CVOs and, since these changes do not affect the company's underlying obligation, management does not consider the adjustment a component of ongoing earnings.

Progress Rail Discontinued Operations

The sale of Progress Rail Services Corp. (Progress Rail) to One Equity Partners, LLC closed on March 24, 2005, and the net proceeds were used to pay down debt. Progress Rail had a discontinued loss of $1 million for the quarter compared with discontinued earnings of $11 million in the prior year. The current quarter's results include an additional after-tax loss on the sale due to working capital adjustments.

For the nine months ended Sept. 30, 2005, Progress Rail had a discontinued loss of $20 million compared with discontinued earnings of $27 million in the prior year.

Due to its sale, the operations of Progress Rail are reported as discontinued operations in the accompanying financial statements and therefore management does not believe this activity is representative of the ongoing operations of the company.

Cost-Management Restructuring Charge

On February 28, 2005, as part of a previously announced cost-management initiative, Progress Energy approved a workforce restructuring, which resulted in a reduction of approximately 450 positions. In connection with the cost- management initiative, the company incurred approximately $180 million of estimated pre-tax charges. Approximately $18 million of this amount relates to estimated future payments for severance benefits that will be paid out over time. Approximately $159 million relates to postretirement and termination benefits that will be paid out over time to the 1,450 eligible employees who elected to participate in the voluntary enhanced retirement program. The cost- management initiative charges are subject to revision in future quarters based on the completion of the workforce restructuring and the potential additional impacts that the early retirements and outplacements may have on the company's postretirement plans. Such revisions may be significant and management is unable to predict the final financial impact. In addition, the company incurred approximately $3 million of certain incremental costs other than severance and postretirement benefits for recruiting and staff augmentation activities during the quarter. Due to the nonrecurring nature of the adjustment, management believes it is not representative of the company's ongoing operations.

SRS Litigation Settlement

In June 2004, SRS, a subsidiary of the company, reached a settlement agreement in a civil suit with the San Francisco Unified School District. As a result, the company recorded a charge of approximately $29 million after-tax in the second quarter 2004. Management does not believe this settlement charge is indicative of ongoing operations of the company.

This earnings announcement, as well as a package of detailed financial information, is available on the company's Web site at http://www.progress-energy.com/.

Progress Energy's conference call with the investment community will be held Oct. 27, 2005, at 10 a.m. ET (7 a.m. PT) and will be hosted by Geoff Chatas, executive vice president and chief financial officer. Investors, media and the public may listen to the conference call by dialing 913-312-1295, confirmation code 3499603. If you encounter problems, please contact Tammy Blankenship at 919-546-2233. A playback of the call will be available from 1 p.m. ET Oct. 27 through midnight Nov. 10, 2005. To listen to the recorded call, dial 719-457-0820 and enter confirmation code 3499603.

A webcast of the live conference call will be available at http://www.progress-/ energy.com. The webcast will be available in Windows Media format. The webcast will be archived on the site for those unable to listen in real time.

Members of the media are invited to listen to the conference call and then participate in a media-only question and answer session with Geoff Chatas starting at 11 a.m. ET. To participate in this session, please dial 719-457- 2600, confirmation code 5218469.

Progress Energy , headquartered in Raleigh, N.C., is a Fortune 250 diversified energy company with more than 24,000 megawatts of generation capacity and $9 billion in annual revenues. The company's holdings include two electric utilities serving more than 2.9 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. Progress Energy also includes nonregulated operations covering generation, energy marketing, natural gas production, fuel extraction and broadband capacity. For more information about Progress Energy, visit the company's Web site at http://www.progress-energy.com/.

This document contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The forward-looking statements involve estimates, projections, goals, forecasts, assumptions, risk and uncertainties that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date such statement is made, and we undertake no obligation to update any forward- looking statement or statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made. Examples of factors that you should consider with respect to any forward-looking statements made in this document include, but are not limited to, the following: the impact of fluid and complex laws and regulations, including those relating to the environment; deregulation or restructuring in the electric industry that may result in increased competition and unrecovered (stranded) costs; the uncertainty regarding the timing, creation and structure of transmission organizations; weather conditions that directly influence the demand for electricity; the timing of recovery of the costs associated with the four hurricanes that impacted our service territory in 2004 or the ability to recover through the regulatory process other significant weather events; recurring seasonal fluctuations in demand for electricity; fluctuations in the price of energy commodities and purchased power; economic fluctuations and the corresponding impact on our commercial and industrial customers; the ability of our subsidiaries to pay upstream dividends or distributions to us; the impact on our facilities and the businesses from a terrorist attack; the inherent risks associated with the operation of nuclear facilities, including environmental, health, regulatory and financial risks; the ability to successfully access capital markets on favorable terms; our ability to maintain our current credit ratings and the impact on our financial condition and ability to meet cash and other financial obligations in the event our credit ratings are downgraded below investment grade; the impact that increases in leverage may have on us; the impact of derivative contracts used in the normal course of business by us; investment performance of pension and benefit plans; our ability to control costs, including pension and benefit expense, and achieve its cost management targets for 2007; the availability and use of Internal Revenue Code Section 29 (Section 29) tax credits by synthetic fuel producers and our continued ability to use Section 29 tax credits related to our coal and synthetic fuel businesses; the impact to our financial condition and performance in the event it is determined we are not entitled to previously taken Section 29 tax credits; the impact of proposed accounting pronouncements regarding uncertain tax positions; our ability to manage the risks involved with the operation of our nonregulated plants, including dependence on third parties and related counter-party risks, and a lack of operating history of such plants; our ability to manage the risks associated with our energy marketing operations; the outcome of any ongoing or future litigation or similar disputes and the impact of any such outcome or related settlements; and unanticipated changes in operating expenses and capital expenditures. Many of these risks similarly impact our subsidiaries.

These and other risk factors are detailed from time to time in our SEC reports. All such factors are difficult to predict, contain uncertainties that may materially affect actual results, and may be beyond our ability to control or estimate precisely. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all such factors or to assess the effect each such factor will have on us.

PROGRESS ENERGY, INC. CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 2005 UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS of INCOME Three months ended Nine months ended September 30 September 30 (in millions except per share data) 2005 2004 2005 2004 Operating revenues Utility $2,412 $2,043 $5,963 $5,449 Diversified business 685 427 1,665 1,150 Total operating revenues 3,097 2,470 7,628 6,599 Operating expenses Utility Fuel used in electric generation 633 556 1,712 1,517 Purchased power 424 269 839 671 Operation and maintenance 408 324 1,357 1,059 Depreciation and amortization 232 213 647 622 Taxes other than on income 131 114 356 328 Other 1 - (24) - Diversified business Cost of sales 662 350 1,596 1,049 Depreciation and amortization 46 47 128 130 Other 23 34 86 95 Total operating expenses 2,560 1,907 6,697 5,471 Operating income 537 563 931 1,128 Other income Interest income 3 3 11 9 Other, net 10 28 6 3 Total other income 13 31 17 12 Interest charges Net interest charges 165 156 499 474 Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction (3) (2) (10) (5) Total interest charges, net 162 154 489 469 Income from continuing operations before income tax and minority interest 388 440 459 671 Income tax (benefit) expense (55) 154 (78) 140 Income from continuing operations before minority interest 443 286 537 531 Minority interest in subsidiaries' loss, net of tax 7 6 24 6 Income from continuing operations 450 292 561 537 Discontinued operations, net of tax (1) 11 (20) 28 Income before cumulative effect of change in accounting principle 449 303 541 565 Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle, net of tax 1 - 1 - Net income $450 $303 $542 $565 Average common shares outstanding - basic 248 243 246 242 Basic earnings per common share Income from continuing operations $1.82 $1.20 $2.28 $2.21 Discontinued operations, net of tax - 0.05 (0.08) 0.12 Net income $1.82 $1.25 $2.20 $2.33 Diluted earnings per common share Income from continuing operations $1.81 $1.19 $2.28 $2.20 Discontinued operations, net of tax - 0.05 (0.08) 0.12 Net income $1.81 $1.24 $2.20 $2.32 Dividends declared per common share $0.590 $0.575 $1.770 $1.725 This financial information should be read in conjunction with the Company's Annual Report to shareholders. These statements have been prepared for the purpose of providing information concerning the Company and not in connection with any sale, offer for sale, or solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. PROGRESS ENERGY, INC. UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (in millions) September 30 December 31 ASSETS 2005 2004 Utility plant Utility plant in service $22,450 $22,103 Accumulated depreciation (9,447) (8,783) Utility plant in service, net 13,003 13,320 Held for future use 14 13 Construction work in process 1,068 799 Nuclear fuel, net of amortization 237 231 Total utility plant, net 14,322 14,363 Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents 205 56 Short-term investments - 82 Receivables, net 1,200 911 Inventory 802 805 Deferred fuel cost 535 229 Deferred income taxes 45 114 Assets of discontinued operations - 577 Prepayments and other current assets 404 174 Total current assets 3,191 2,948 Deferred debits and other assets Regulatory assets 1,082 1,064 Nuclear decommissioning trust funds 1,115 1,044 Diversified business property, net 1,924 1,838 Miscellaneous other property and investments 489 444 Goodwill 3,719 3,719 Intangibles, net 310 337 Other assets and deferred debits 386 262 Total deferred debits and other assets 9,025 8,708 Total assets $26,538 $26,019 CAPITALIZATION AND LIABILITIES Common stock equity Common stock without par value, 500 million shares authorized, 252 and 247 million shares issued and outstanding, respectively $5,548 $5,360 Unearned restricted shares - (13) Unearned ESOP shares (63) (76) Accumulated other comprehensive loss (212) (164) Retained earnings 2,630 2,526 Total common stock equity 7,903 7,633 Preferred stock of subsidiaries - not subject to mandatory redemption 93 93 Minority interest 41 36 Long-term debt, affiliate 270 270 Long-term debt, net 8,989 9,251 Total capitalization 17,296 17,283 Current Liabilities Current portion of long-term debt 852 349 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 684 630 Interest accrued 166 219 Dividends declared 148 145 Short-term obligations 517 684 Customer deposits 195 180 Liabilities of discontinued operations - 152 Other current liabilities 845 703 Total current liabilities 3,407 3,062 Deferred credits and other liabilities Noncurrent income tax liabilities 399 625 Accumulated deferred investment tax credits 166 176 Regulatory liabilities 2,600 2,654 Asset retirement obligations 1,248 1,282 Accrued pension and other liabilities 1,045 634 Other liabilities and deferred credits 377 303 Total deferred credits and other liabilities 5,835 5,674 Commitments and contingencies Total capitalization and liabilities $26,538 $26,019 PROGRESS ENERGY, INC. UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (in millions) Nine months ended September 30, 2005 2004 Operating activities Net income $542 $565 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Discontinued operations, net of tax 20 (28) Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles (1) - Charges for voluntary enhanced retirement program 159 - Depreciation and amortization 863 844 Deferred income taxes (145) 129 Investment tax credit (10) (11) Tax levelization (27) 6 Deferred fuel credit (276) (65) Other adjustments to net income 105 56 Cash provided (used) by changes in operating assets and liabilities: Receivables (266) (51) Inventory (95) (44) Prepayments and other current assets (72) (94) Accounts payable 183 24 Other current liabilities 3 (16) Regulatory assets and liabilities (50) (73) Other 2 25 Net cash provided by operating activities 935 1,267 Investing activities Gross utility property additions (772) (691) Diversified business property additions (167) (140) Nuclear fuel additions (98) (63) Proceeds from sales of subsidiaries and other investments, net of cash divested 459 112 Purchases of short-term investments (2,865) (816) Proceeds from sales of short-term investments 2,947 1,042 Other (59) (43) Net cash used in investing activities (555) (599) Financing activities Issuance of common stock 193 59 Issuance of long-term debt 792 1 Net (decrease) increase in short-term indebtedness (167) 664 Retirement of long-term debt (562) (905) Dividends paid on common stock (435) (418) Other (22) (48) Net cash used in financing activities (201) (647) Cash (used) provided by discontinued operations Operating activities (26) 16 Investing activities (4) (16) Financing activities - - Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 149 21 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 56 35 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period $205 $56 Progress Energy, Inc. Earnings Variances Third Quarter 2005 vs. 2004 Regulated Utilities Fuels, Corporate excluding and Other synthetic Businesses ($ per share) Carolinas Florida fuels CCO 2004 GAAP earnings 0.72 0.58 0.08 0.06 0.05 Intraperiod tax allocation (0.16) CVO mark-to-market (0.08) Rail discontinued operations (0.05) 2004 ongoing earnings 0.72 0.58 0.08 0.06 (0.24) Weather - retail 0.13 0.06 Other retail - growth and usage 0.02 0.05 Retail revenue sharing (0.02) Wholesale (0.01) Other margin (0.01) O&M (0.09) (0.08) Utility depreciation and amortization 0.02 Interest charges (0.03) 0.01 (0.01) Net diversified business (0.01) (0.12) 0.01 Income taxes 0.03 0.03 Share dilution (0.02) (0.01) 2005 ongoing earnings 0.76 0.58 0.07 (0.05) (0.21) Intraperiod tax allocation (0.01) 0.03 0.35 CVO mark-to-market 0.02 Rail discontinued operations - Postretirement and severance charges (0.01) - 2005 GAAP earnings 0.75 0.60 0.07 (0.05) 0.16 Progress Energy, Inc. Earnings Variances Third Quarter 2005 vs. 2004 Core Synthetic ($ per share) Business fuels Consolidated 2004 GAAP earnings 1.49 (0.24) 1.25 Intraperiod tax allocation (0.16) A (0.16) CVO mark-to-market (0.08) B (0.08) Rail discontinued operations (0.05) C (0.05) 2004 ongoing earnings 1.20 (0.24) 0.96 Weather - retail 0.19 0.19 Other retail - growth and usage 0.07 E 0.07 Retail revenue sharing (0.02) F (0.02) Wholesale (0.01) G (0.01) Other margin (0.01) H (0.01) O&M (0.17) I (0.17) Utility depreciation and amortization 0.02 J 0.02 Interest charges (0.03) K (0.03) Net diversified business (0.12) L 0.53 M 0.41 Income taxes 0.06 N 0.06 Share dilution (0.03) (0.03) 2005 ongoing earnings 1.15 0.29 1.44 Intraperiod tax allocation 0.37 A 0.37 CVO mark-to-market 0.02 B 0.02 Rail discontinued operations - - Postretirement and severance charges (0.01) D (0.01) 2005 GAAP earnings 1.53 0.29 1.82 Corporate and Other Businesses includes Progress Telecom, Progress Rail, other small subsidiaries, Holding Company interest expense, CVO mark-to- market, intraperiod tax allocations, purchase accounting transactions and corporate eliminations. A - Intraperiod income tax allocation impact, related to cyclical nature of energy demand/earnings and timing of synthetic fuel tax credits. B - Impact of change in market value of outstanding CVOs. C - Sale of Progress Rail to One Equity Partnership LLC which was finalized on March 24, 2005. D - Postretirement and severance costs recorded in the third quarter of 2005 associated with the previously announced cost management initiative and voluntary enhanced retirement program. E - Florida - Growth and usage for the prior quarter was negatively impacted by $0.03 of lost revenue due to 2004 storms. F - Provision for rate refund higher because revenue sharing threshold exceeded due to favorable weather in current quarter. G - Carolinas wholesale margin has decreased primarily due to increased fuel costs. H - Carolinas other margin decreased primarily due to increased non- recoverable purchased power costs. I - Carolinas - O&M increased primarily due to nuclear outages in 2005, higher pension and benefit expenses, the impact of the change in accounting estimates for certain Energy Delivery capital costs and higher SO2 emission allowance expenses primarily due to rising prices partially offset by lower 2005 storm costs. Florida - O&M increased primarily due to the change in accounting estimates for certain Energy Delivery capital costs, prior year project delays due to 2004 hurricanes, the timing of outages and increased pension and benefit costs. J - Carolinas - Depreciation & amortization decreased primarily due to lower depreciation rates partially offset by higher Clean Air Amortization. K - Carolinas - Increased interest charges primarily due to interest expense related to adjustments of certain tax matters, higher variable interest rates on pollution control bonds and increased short term borrowings. L - CCO - Decreased primarily due to a decrease in tolling contract revenue from tolling contracts that expired on 12/31/04, decreased margins on the Georgia contracts from increased gas and power prices and unrealized mark-to-market losses. M - Synthetic Fuels - Increased primarily due to higher synthetic fuel sales, the reversal of $79 million in tax credits in the prior quarter as a result of hurricane costs and the recording of $27 million of tax credits in the current quarter that had not been previously recognized. N - Carolinas - Primarily due to a benefit related to the current year adjustments for prior year returns. Corporate - Increase is due to additional tax expenses recorded in the third quarter of 2004 related to adjustments for the impact of hurricanes and recording a reserve related to identified state tax deficiencies. Progress Energy, Inc. Earnings Variances Year-to-Date 2005 vs. 2004 Regulated Utilities Fuels, Corporate excluding and Other synthetic Businesses ($ per share) Carolinas Florida fuels CCO 2004 GAAP earnings 1.60 1.13 0.19 0.05 (0.70) Intraperiod tax allocation 0.02 CVO mark-to-market (0.03) Rail discontinued operations (0.12) SRS Litigation Settlement 0.12 2004 ongoing earnings 1.60 1.13 0.19 0.05 (0.71) Weather - retail 0.01 0.04 Other retail - growth and usage 0.09 0.04 Wholesale 0.04 O&M (0.06) (0.15) Utility depreciation and amortization 0.01 Gain on sale of asset 0.06 Other 0.01 (0.02) Interest charges (0.04) (0.02) 0.02 (0.02) Net diversified business (0.01) (0.15) 0.02 Income taxes 0.08 0.04 Share dilution (0.03) (0.02) 0.01 2005 ongoing earnings 1.67 1.10 0.18 (0.08) (0.66) Intraperiod tax allocation (0.02) - 0.13 CVO mark-to-market 0.02 Rail discontinued operations (0.08) Postretirement and severance charges (0.15) (0.27) (0.01) (0.01) - 2005 GAAP earnings 1.50 0.83 0.17 (0.09) (0.59) Progress Energy, Inc. Earnings Variances Year-to-Date 2005 vs. 2004 Core Synthetic ($ per share) Business fuels Consolidated 2004 GAAP earnings 2.27 0.06 2.33 Intraperiod tax allocation 0.02 A 0.02 CVO mark-to-market (0.03) B (0.03) Rail discontinued operations (0.12) C (0.12) SRS Litigation Settlement 0.12 D 0.12 2004 ongoing earnings 2.26 0.06 2.32 Weather - retail 0.05 0.05 Other retail - growth and usage 0.13 F 0.13 Wholesale 0.04 G 0.04 O&M (0.21) H (0.21) Utility depreciation and amortization 0.01 0.01 Gain on sale of asset 0.06 I 0.06 Other (0.01) (0.01) Interest charges (0.06) J (0.06) Net diversified business (0.14) K 0.32 L 0.18 Income taxes 0.12 M 0.12 Share dilution (0.04) (0.04) 2005 ongoing earnings 2.21 0.38 2.59 Intraperiod tax allocation 0.11 A 0.11 CVO mark-to-market 0.02 B 0.02 Rail discontinued operations (0.08) C (0.08) Postretirement and severance charges (0.44) E (0.44) 2005 GAAP earnings 1.82 0.38 2.20 Corporate and Other Businesses includes Progress Telecom, Progress Rail, other small subsidiaries, Holding Company interest expense, CVO mark-to- market, intraperiod tax allocations, purchase accounting transactions and corporate eliminations. A - Intraperiod income tax allocation impact, related to cyclical nature of energy demand/earnings and timing of synthetic fuel tax credits. B - Impact of change in market value of outstanding CVOs. C - Sale of Progress Rail to One Equity Partnership LLC which was finalized on March 24, 2005. D - Impact of SRS litigation settlement reached in civil proceedings announced June 30, 2004. E - Postretirement and severance costs recorded in 2005 associated with the previously announced cost management initiative and voluntary enhanced retirement program. F - Florida - Growth and usage for the prior year was negatively impacted by $0.03 of lost revenue due to storms during the third quarter of 2004. G - Florida - Increased primarily due to new contracts. H - Carolinas - O&M increased primarily due to the impact of the change in accounting estimates for certain Energy Delivery capital costs, higher pension and benefits expenses and higher SO2 emission allowance expenses primarily due to rising prices. These were partially offset by the reduction in storm costs and lower business unit spending due to an additional nuclear outage in 2004. Florida - O&M increased primarily due to the change in accounting estimates for certain Energy Delivery capital costs, the $17M (pre- tax) write-off of major storm restoration costs as a result of the FPSC's storm cost recovery ruling, an increase in the workers' compensation accrual and higher pension and benefit expenses. I - Florida - Gain on sale of assets increased due to the $24M (pre-tax) gain on the sale of the City of Winter Park, FL distribution system in June 2005. J - Carolinas - Increased interest charges primarily due to interest expense related to adjustments of certain tax matters, higher variable interest rates on pollution control bonds, and increased short term borrowings. Florida - Higher interest rates on commercial paper and higher balances. CCO - Decreased interest expense due to termination of the variable rate project financing in December 2004. Corporate - Increased interest charges primarily due to higher interest rates on commercial paper and additional expenses on draw downs under RCA agreements. K - CCO - Decreased primarily due to lower margins as a result of the expiration of certain tolling agreements and decreased margins on Georgia contracts due to higher fuel costs and unrealized mark-to- market losses. L - Synthetic Fuels - Increased primarily due to the reversal of $79 million in tax credits in the prior quarter as a result of hurricane costs and the recording of $10 million of tax credits in the current quarter that had not been previously recognized partially offset by higher operating costs. M - Carolinas - lower income taxes primarily due to the tax benefit related to the write off of a regulatory liability related to income taxes, a benefit due to the current year adjustments for prior year returns and a favorable adjustment related to SC audit assessment. Corporate - Increase is due to additional tax expenses recorded in the third quarter of 2004 related to adjustments for the impact of hurricanes and recording a reserve related to identified state tax deficiencies. Progress Energy, Inc. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA - Page S-3 Unaudited Three Months Ended September 30, 2005 Total Progress Utility Statistics Carolinas Florida Energy Operating Revenues (in millions) Retail Residential $453 $660 $1,113 Commercial 281 283 564 Industrial 199 77 276 Other retail 26 68 94 Provision for retail revenue sharing - (2) (2) Total Retail $959 $1,086 $2,045 Unbilled (17) 8 (9) Wholesale 218 96 314 Miscellaneous revenue 25 37 62 Total Electric $1,185 $1,227 $2,412 Energy Sales (millions of kWh) Retail Residential 5,058 6,554 11,612 Commercial 4,008 3,551 7,559 Industrial 3,481 1,112 4,593 Other retail 421 897 1,318 Total Retail 12,968 12,114 25,082 Unbilled (516) 195 (321) Wholesale 4,356 1,408 5,764 Total Electric 16,808 13,717 30,525 Energy Supply (millions of kWh) Generated - steam 8,397 6,398 14,795 nuclear 5,997 1,707 7,704 hydro 172 - 172 combustion turbines/combined cycle 1,299 3,267 4,566 Purchased 1,661 3,080 4,741 Total Energy Supply (Company Share) 17,526 14,452 31,978 Impact of Weather to Normal on Retail Sales Heating Degree Days - Actual - - - Normal 17 - Cooling Degree Days - Actual 1,271 2,651 - Normal 1,053 2,296 Impact of retail weather to normal on EPS $0.08 $0.05 $0.13 Progress Energy, Inc. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA - Page S-3 Unaudited Three Months Ended September 30, 2004 Total Progress Utility Statistics Carolinas Florida Energy Operating Revenues (in millions) Retail Residential $387 $554 $941 Commercial 256 242 498 Industrial 188 64 252 Other retail 24 56 80 Provision for retail revenue sharing - 5 5 Total Retail $855 $921 $1,776 Unbilled (11) (5) (16) Wholesale 146 79 225 Miscellaneous revenue 24 34 58 Total Electric $1,014 $1,029 $2,043 Energy Sales (millions of kWh) Retail Residential 4,405 5,981 10,386 Commercial 3,752 3,334 7,086 Industrial 3,550 1,014 4,564 Other retail 414 818 1,232 Total Retail 12,121 11,147 23,268 Unbilled (300) (146) (446) Wholesale 3,244 1,394 4,638 Total Electric 15,065 12,395 27,460 Energy Supply (millions of kWh) Generated - steam 7,037 6,250 13,287 nuclear 6,395 1,606 8,001 hydro 198 - 198 combustion turbines/combined cycle 814 2,684 3,498 Purchased 1,198 2,604 3,802 Total Energy Supply (Company Share) 15,642 13,144 28,786 Impact of Weather to Normal on Retail Sales Heating Degree Days - Actual 8 - - Normal 17 - Cooling Degree Days - Actual 953 2,231 - Normal 1,054 2,299 Impact of retail weather to normal on EPS ($0.04) ($0.01) ($0.05) Progress Energy, Inc. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA - Page S-3 Unaudited Percentage Change From Sept. 30, 2004 Utility Statistics Carolinas Florida Operating Revenues (in millions) Retail Residential 17.1 % 19.1 % Commercial 9.8 16.9 Industrial 5.9 20.3 Other retail 8.3 21.4 Provision for retail revenue sharing - - Total Retail 12.2 17.9 Unbilled - - Wholesale 49.3 21.5 Miscellaneous revenue 4.2 8.8 Total Electric 16.9 % 19.2 % Energy Sales (millions of kWh) Retail Residential 14.8 % 9.6 % Commercial 6.8 6.5 Industrial (1.9) 9.7 Other retail 1.7 9.7 Total Retail 7.0 8.7 Unbilled - - Wholesale 34.3 1.0 Total Electric 11.6 % 10.7 % Energy Supply (millions of kWh) Generated - steam nuclear hydro combustion turbines/combined cycle Purchased Total Energy Supply (Company Share) Impact of Weather to Normal on Retail Sales Heating Degree Days - Actual (100.0) % - % - Normal Cooling Degree Days - Actual 33.4 % 18.8 % - Normal Impact of retail weather to normal on EPS Nine Months Ended Sept 30, 2005 Total Progress Utility Statistics Carolinas Florida Energy Operating Revenues (in millions) Retail Residential $1,099 $1,522 $2,621 Commercial 709 711 1,420 Industrial 512 211 723 Other retail 64 178 242 Provision for retail revenue sharing - (3) (3) Total Retail $2,384 $2,619 $5,003 Unbilled (20) 22 2 Wholesale 546 237 783 Miscellaneous revenue 70 105 175 Total Electric $2,980 $2,983 $5,963 Energy Sales (millions of kWh) Retail Residential 13,015 15,242 28,257 Commercial 10,175 9,010 19,185 Industrial 9,641 3,093 12,734 Other retail 1,063 2,368 3,431 Total Retail 33,894 29,713 63,607 Unbilled (583) 520 (63) Wholesale 11,635 4,063 15,698 Total Electric 44,946 34,296 79,242 Energy Supply (millions of kWh) Generated - steam 22,209 16,495 38,704 nuclear 18,072 5,028 23,100 hydro 612 - 612 combustion turbines/combined cycle 2,190 7,133 9,323 Purchased 3,765 7,667 11,432 Total Energy Supply (Company Share) 46,848 36,323 83,171 Impact of Weather to Normal on Retail Sales Heating Degree Days - Actual 1,969 316 - Normal 1,920 382 Cooling Degree Days - Actual 1,687 3,709 - Normal 1,607 3,468 Impact of retail weather to normal on EPS $0.05 $0.02 $0.07 Nine Months Ended Sept 30, 2004 Total Progress Utility Statistics Carolinas Florida Energy Operating Revenues (in millions) Retail Residential $1,041 $1,378 $2,419 Commercial 677 637 1,314 Industrial 496 192 688 Other retail 62 155 217 Provision for retail revenue sharing - (2) (2) Total Retail $2,276 $2,360 $4,636 Unbilled (9) 13 4 Wholesale 441 199 640 Miscellaneous revenue 68 101 169 Total Electric $2,776 $2,673 $5,449 Energy Sales (millions of kWh) Retail Residential 12,671 14,777 27,448 Commercial 9,982 8,766 18,748 Industrial 9,823 3,088 12,911 Other retail 1,096 2,241 3,337 Total Retail 33,572 28,872 62,444 Unbilled (280) 509 229 Wholesale 10,148 3,809 13,957 Total Electric 43,440 33,190 76,630 Energy Supply (millions of kWh) Generated - steam 22,164 16,938 39,102 nuclear 17,740 4,972 22,712 hydro 563 - 563 combustion turbines/combined cycle 1,713 6,218 7,931 Purchased 3,002 7,097 10,099 Total Energy Supply (Company Share) 45,182 35,225 80,407 Impact of Weather to Normal on Retail Sales Heating Degree Days - Actual 2,064 385 - Normal 1,909 385 Cooling Degree Days - Actual 1,610 3,321 - Normal 1,598 3,471 Impact of retail weather to normal on EPS $0.04 ($0.02) $0.02 Percentage Change From Sept. 30, 2004 Utility Statistics Carolinas Florida Operating Revenues (in millions) Retail Residential 5.6 % 10.4 % Commercial 4.7 11.6 Industrial 3.2 9.9 Other retail 3.2 14.8 Provision for retail revenue sharing - - Total Retail 4.7 11.0 Unbilled - - Wholesale 23.8 19.1 Miscellaneous revenue 2.9 4.0 Total Electric 7.3 % 11.6 % Energy Sales (millions of kWh) Retail Residential 2.7 % 3.1 % Commercial 1.9 2.8 Industrial (1.9) 0.2 Other retail (3.0) 5.7 Total Retail 1.0 2.9 Unbilled - - Wholesale 14.7 6.7 Total Electric 3.5 % 3.3 % Energy Supply (millions of kWh) Generated - steam nuclear hydro combustion turbines/combined cycle Purchased Total Energy Supply (Company Share) Impact of Weather to Normal on Retail Sales Heating Degree Days - Actual (4.6) % (17.9)% - Normal Cooling Degree Days - Actual 4.8 % 11.7 % - Normal Impact of retail weather to normal on EPS Progress Energy, Inc. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA - Page S-4 Unaudited Financial Statistics September 30 2005 2004 Return on average common stock equity (12 months ended) 9.5 % 8.7 % Book value per common share $31.85 $31.57 Capitalization Common stock equity 42.3 % 41.7 % Preferred stock of subsidiary and minority interest 0.7 0.7 Total debt 57.0 57.6 Total Capitalization 100.0 % 100.0 % ONGOING EARNINGS BY BUSINESS LINE The following table provides an update to Progress Energy's 2005 projected ongoing earnings through the third quarter of 2005. ($ in millions) March 2005 YTD 9/30/05 Forecast Ongoing Earnings Core: Utilities $805 $682 Progress Ventures 45 25 Corporate Costs and Other Diversified (225) (160) Core Ongoing Earnings* 625 546 Non-Core: Synthetic Fuels 125 93 Total Ongoing Earnings* $750 $639 Intraperiod tax allocation 27 CVO mark-to-market 4 Progress Rail Discontinued Operations (20) Postretirement and severance charges (109) Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles 1 Reported GAAP Earnings* $543 * Totals may not foot due to rounding 2005 Impact of Postretirement and Severance Charges Three months ended Nine Months Ended ($ in millions, after tax) September 30, 2005 September 30, 2005 Impact Impact Line of Business Pre-tax After-tax Pre-tax After-tax Progress Energy Carolinas $1 $1 $62 $37 Progress Energy Florida $3 $2 $110 $66 Fuels - - $6 $4 Competitive Commercial Operations - - $2 $1 Corporate and Other - - $1 $1 Total* $4 $3 $180 $109 * Totals may not foot due to rounding

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