06.05.2009 21:30:00

Expeditors Announces First Quarter 2009 Net Earnings of $.27

Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. (NASDAQ:EXPD) today announced net earnings attributable to shareholders of $59,260,0001 for the first quarter of 2009, as compared with $66,472,000 for the same quarter of 2008, a decrease of 11%. Net revenues for the first quarter decreased 10% to $336,515,000 as compared with $374,328,000 reported for the first quarter of 2008. Total revenues and operating income were $912,685,000 and $91,474,000 in 2009, as compared with $1,307,321,000 and $105,564,000 for the same quarter of 2008, decreases of 30% and 13%, respectively. Diluted net earnings attributable to shareholders per share for the first quarter were $.27 as compared with $.30 for the same quarter in 2008, a decrease of 10%. The Company also reported that same store net revenues and operating income decreased 10% and 13%, respectively, during the first quarter of 2009, as compared with the same period in 2008.

"While this quarter was unusual, our people did an outstanding job capitalizing on spot market buying opportunities, particularly the airfreight group. The March quarter end rush did not materialize to the extent that we’ve experienced it in the past,” commented Peter J. Rose, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "We obviously would liked to have reported higher quarterly earnings. However, we saw no long-term benefit in resorting to short term measures, like employee layoffs or other actions which could severely damage the value of our network by compromising our customer service capability, just to pick up a couple of cents per share. We have not forgotten that ours is a service business. Our people are our most valuable assets. It is they who have worked diligently year-in-and-year-out to deliver the kind of customer service and operating efficiencies that created that value in the first place. There are many things that we could say about these results, but ours is not a culture of excuses and looking backwards. It is a culture of taking responsibility and moving forward. We’ve never ‘lived for the quarter,’ and we certainly aren’t going to start doing so now. Quarters come and quarters go, but long term stability at Expeditors comes from staying true to the established and proven tenets of Expeditors’ culture," Rose said.

"Like most businesses, we’ve been faced with difficult options these past several months. Fortunately our culture has always proven to be our most effective compass. The value of our most vital assets, our people, is not shown on our balance sheet. The value they create in servicing our customers, however, manifests itself daily. It would be inconsistent with our culture that those who create and sustain value bear the brunt of these times. We’ve always run lean, so our people remain busy and engaged. We continue to take market share and operate profitably. We have record cash balances, strong cash flow, and robust operating margins,” Rose continued. "One of our District Managers recently asked if I thought 2009 was going to be a ‘scary’ year. The response was easy. ‘No, 1981, when we first began operations, was a scary year. It was in the middle of a very severe recession. We had no customers, we had no money, we had no global network and there were only 20 of us. By contrast, 2009 has tremendous opportunities. We have some 10,000 customers, we have nearly $900 million in cash, we have a global network of 250 offices and there are over 12,000 of us. Now is not a time to be scared, it’s time to go sell some more business’...and that is just what we intend to do,” concluded Rose.

Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. The company employs trained professionals in 181 full-service offices, 68 satellite locations and 4 international service centers located on six continents linked into a seamless worldwide network through an integrated information management system. Services include air and ocean freight forwarding, vendor consolidation, customs clearance, marine insurance, distribution and other value added international logistics services.

1 These results include a $3,123,000 credit to compensation expense. This credit ”trues up” the difference between the higher actual pre-vesting forfeiture experience and the pre-vesting forfeiture assumptions used to calculate stock option expense, as required by FAS 123R, related primarily to stock options granted in 2006 which begin vesting in May 2009.

Certain portions of this release contain forward-looking statements which are based on certain assumptions and expectations of future events that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual future results and trends may differ materially from historical results or those projected in any forward-looking statements depending on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, our ability to maintain consistent and stable operating results, future success of our business model, ability to perpetuate profits, changes in customer demand for Expeditors’ services caused by a general economic slow-down, inventory build-up, decreased consumer confidence, volatility in equity markets, energy prices, political changes, or the unpredictable acts of competitors and other risks, risk factors and uncertainties detailed in our Annual and Quarterly Reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.
Financial Highlights
Three months ended
March 31, 2009

(in 000's of US dollars except share data)

  Three Months Ended  
2009   2008 % Decrease
Revenues $ 912,685 $ 1,307,321 30 %
Net revenues $ 336,515 $ 374,328 10 %
Operating income $ 91,474 $ 105,564 13 %
Net earnings attributable to shareholders $ 59,260 $ 66,472 11 %
Diluted earnings attributable to shareholders per share $ .27 $ .30 10 %
Basic earnings attributable to shareholders per share $ .28 $ .31 10 %
Diluted weighted average shares outstanding 216,319,959 220,437,979
Basic weighted average shares outstanding 212,100,504 213,062,231

During the first quarter of 2009, the Company opened one full-service office in New Orleans, Louisiana (formerly a satellite of Houston, Texas) and one satellite office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Company closed one full-service office in Port Louis, Mauritius.

Investors may submit written questions via e-mail to: investor@expeditors.com

Or by fax to: (206) 674-3459

Questions received by the end of business on May 8, 2009 will be considered in management’s 8-K "Responses to Selected Questions” expected to be filed on or about May 15, 2009.

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
(In thousands, except share data)
March 31, December 31,


2009 2008
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 883,679 $ 741,028
Short-term investments 598 658
Accounts receivable, net 613,283 788,176
Deferred Federal and state income taxes 8,924 7,986
Other current assets 24,788 35,511

Total current assets


Property and equipment, net 488,804 493,129
Goodwill, net 7,927 7,927
Other intangibles, net 5,904 6,503
Other assets 20,915 19,921
$ 2,054,822 $ 2,100,839

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity

Current liabilities:
Accounts payable 407,021 491,823
Accrued expenses, primarily salaries and related costs 148,145 150,487
Federal, state and foreign income taxes 29,465 28,039
Total current liabilities 584,631 670,349
Deferred Federal and state income taxes 47,657 46,574
Shareholders' equity:
Preferred stock; none issued -- --

Common stock, par value $.01 per share; issued and outstanding 212,134,033 shares at March 31, 2009 and 211,973,377 shares at December 31, 2008

2,121 2,120
Additional paid-in capital 6,154 7,150
Retained earnings 1,431,616 1,372,356
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (26,704) (15,208)
Total shareholders' equity 1,413,187 1,366,418
Noncontrolling interest 9,347 17,498
Total equity 1,422,534 1,383,916
$ 2,054,822 $ 2,100,839
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Earnings
(In thousands, except share data)
Three months ended
March 31,
2009 2008
Airfreight services $ 374,456 $ 599,763
Ocean freight and ocean services 318,634 446,792
Customs brokerage and other services   219,595     260,766  
Total revenues   912,685     1,307,321  
Operating expenses:
Airfreight consolidation 250,369 461,099
Ocean freight consolidation 238,226 360,440
Customs brokerage and other services 87,575 111,454
Salaries and related costs 187,209 205,815
Rent and occupancy costs 18,724 19,435
Depreciation and amortization 9,958 9,772
Selling and promotion 6,222 9,504
Other   22,928     24,238  
Total operating expenses   821,211     1,201,757  
Operating income   91,474     105,564  
Interest income 3,606 4,964
Interest expense (15 ) (71 )
Other, net   4,553     1,274  
Other income, net   8,144     6,167  
Earnings before income taxes 99,618 111,731
Income tax expense 40,249 45,210
Net earnings   59,369     66,521  
Net earnings attributable to noncontrolling interest (109 ) (49 )
Net earnings attributable to shareholders $ 59,260   $ 66,472  
Diluted earnings attributable to shareholders per share $ 0.27   $ 0.30  
Basic earnings attributable to shareholders per share $ 0.28   $ 0.31  
Weighted average diluted shares outstanding   216,319,959     220,437,979  
Weighted average basic shares outstanding   212,100,504     213,062,231  
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(In thousands)
Three months ended
March 31,
  2009     2008  
Operating Activities:
Net earnings attributable to shareholders $ 59,260 $ 66,472

Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by operating activities:

Provision for losses on accounts receivable 2,644 (177 )
Deferred income tax expense 6,451 8,826
Excess tax benefits from stock plans (3,062 ) (1,506 )
Stock compensation expense 6,900 11,280
Depreciation and amortization 9,958 9,772
Gain on sale of assets (4 ) (575 )
Net earnings attributable to noncontrolling interest 109 49
Other 362 417
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Decrease in accounts receivable 153,964 59,754
(Increase) decrease in other current assets (15 ) 55

(Decrease) increase in accounts payable and other current liabilities

(80,170 ) 15,078
Increase in income taxes payable, net   15,885     9,260  
Net cash provided by operating activities   172,282     178,705  
Investing Activities:
Decrease in short-term investments 44 47
Purchase of property and equipment (8,656 ) (10,210 )
Proceeds from sale of property and equipment 44 42
Other   (1,482 )   363  
Net cash used in investing activities   (10,050 )   (9,758 )
Financing Activities:
Borrowings of short-term debt, net - 810
Proceeds from issuance of common stock 8,536 4,614
Repurchases of common stock (19,212 ) (18,618 )
Excess tax benefits from stock plans 3,062 1,506
Distributions to noncontrolling interests - (107 )
Purchases of noncontrolling interest   (2,122 )   -  
Net cash used in financing activities   (9,736 )   (11,795 )
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash   (9,845 )   9,215  
Increase in cash and cash equivalents 142,651 166,367
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   741,028     574,599  
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period $ 883,679   $ 740,966  
Interest and taxes paid:
Interest $ 15 71
Income taxes 15,364 24,272
Business Segment Information
(In thousands)

United States


Other North America


Latin America


Europe and Africa


Middle East and India







Three months ended
March 31, 2009
Revenues from unaffiliated customers $ 236,328 29,767 16,131 428,282 132,865 57,112 12,200 912,685
Transfers between geographic areas   18,508 1,882 3,441 3,732 6,773 3,567 2,302 (40,205 ) -
Total revenues $ 254,836 31,649 19,572 432,014 139,638 60,679 14,502 (40,205 ) 912,685
Net revenues $ 131,147 16,199 10,513 94,698 54,118 21,074 8,766 336,515
Operating income $ 30,636 4,339 2,365 38,227 8,771 4,339 2,797 91,474
Identifiable assets $ 1,002,406 65,796 35,452 482,508 332,538 113,795 23,232 (905 ) 2,054,822
Capital expenditures $ 6,095 149 231 543 1,086 340 212 8,656
Depreciation and amortization $ 5,310 326 238 1,933 1,406 594 151 9,958
Equity $ 1,561,104 35,135 26,686 393,599 131,539 62,567 13,689 (801,785 ) 1,422,534
Three months ended
March 31, 2008
Revenues from unaffiliated customers $ 300,072 35,069 19,734 679,850 185,564 67,193 19,839 1,307,321
Transfers between geographic areas   24,189 2,073 3,199 5,111 10,502 3,997 2,134 (51,205 ) -
Total revenues $ 324,261 37,142 22,933 684,961 196,066 71,190 21,973 (51,205 ) 1,307,321
Net revenues $ 149,831 16,674 11,869 98,741 65,773 19,741 11,699 374,328
Operating income $ 32,690 3,131 3,112 46,021 12,437 4,701 3,472 105,564
Identifiable assets $ 1,002,929 70,349 49,176 465,475 444,133 109,713 36,072 5,396 2,183,243
Capital expenditures $ 3,638 336 269 3,303 1,610 860 194 10,210
Depreciation and amortization $ 5,364 312 297 1,254 1,768 528 249 9,772
Equity $ 1,450,614 34,711 24,673 362,378 171,294 52,381 23,068 (802,400 ) 1,316,719

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Expeditors International of Washington Inc. 106,40 -0,33% Expeditors International of Washington Inc.

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NASDAQ Comp. 17 784,05 0,52%
NASDAQ 100 19 753,97 0,39%
S&P 400 MidCap 1 854,40 -0,45%