WKN: 864256 / ISIN: IT0000074903
22.11.2013 17:57:00
SNAI S.p.A. -- Moody's assigns B2 CFR to SNAI S.p.A.; outlook stable
London, 22 November 2013 -- Moody's Investors Service, ("Moody's") today assigned a B2 corporate family rating (CFR) and B2-PD probability of default rating (PDR) to SNAI S.p.A. ("SNAI"). Moody's has also assigned a (P)B1 rating to the EUR 300 million senior secured notes due June 2018 and (P)Caa1 rating to the EUR 160 million senior subordinated notes due December 2018 to be issued by SNAI S.p.A. The outlook on all ratings is stable.