18.07.2016 19:29:00
Reynolds Group Holdings Inc. -- Moody's assigns B1 ratings to new credit facilities of Reynolds Group, existing ratings unchanged, outlook positive
New York, July 18, 2016 -- Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") assigned a B1 rating to the proposed $1,973 million Senior Secured Term Loan due 2023, a B1 rating to the proposed EUR250 million Senior Secured Term Loan due 2023 and a B1 rating to the proposed $400 million Senior Secured Revolving Credit Facility due 2021 of Reynolds Group Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Reynolds Group Holdings Limited ("RGHL"). The company's B3 corporate family rating, B3-PD probability of default rating and other instrument ratings of Reynolds Group Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries were unchanged (see rating detail below). The rating outlook is positive.