14.01.2016 10:10:00

Parselaya, S.L. -- Moody's assigns first-time CFR of B1 to Parselaya (parent of Telecable); stable outlook

Madrid, January 14, 2016 -- Moody's Investors Service has today assigned a first-time B1 corporate family rating (CFR) and a B2-PD probability of default rating (PDR) to Parselaya, S.L., the parent of Telecable de Asturias, S.A. (Telecable). Telecable is the leading cable operator in the Autonomous Community of Asturias (Spain) and is the main operating company within Zegona Communications plc. Concurrently, Moody's has assigned a B1 rating and loss given default (LGD) assessment of LGD3 to the company's EUR320 million senior facilities agreement. The outlook on the ratings is stable.

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