24.06.2016 21:52:00
Moody's: Ratings of the 15th series of certificates issued by PDG Companhia Securitizadora unaffected by transaction amendments
Sao Paulo, June 24, 2016 -- Moody's America Latina Ltda. announced today that PDG Companhia Securitizadora's failure to make an interest payment on the 15th series of the 1st issuance of real estate certificates (CRI or certificates), following a failure to receive interest payment due on the underlying CCB (cédula de crédito bancário) issued by PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações (PDG, Caa3/Caa3.br Corporate Family Ratings), and related amendments to the transaction original structure have no immediate impact on the Caa3/Caa3.br ratings of the certificates and underlying CCB.