13.12.2012 16:58:00
Moody's: E-MAC DE 2005-I B.V. and E-MAC DE 2006-I B.V. ratings unaffected by CSA amendments
London, 13 December 2012 -- Moody's Investors Service has today determined that amendments made on 11 December 2012 to the credit support annexes (CSAs) of the swap agreements between Deutsche Bank AG (the swap counterparty) and, on the one hand, E-MAC DE 2005-I B.V., and on the other hand, E-MAC DE 2006-I B.V., will not, in and of themselves and at this time, result in a downgrade or withdrawal of the current ratings of the notes issued by E-MAC DE 2005-I B.V. and E-MAC DE 2006-I B.V.