Entergy gulf State Louisiana LLC 8.25% a Aktie
ISIN: US29365P2011
27.08.2013 17:15:00
Entergy Corporation -- Moody's: Entergy's Vermont Yankee retirement averts some near term risk, but is longer term credit negative
New York, August 27, 2013 -- Moody's Investor Service said that today's announcement that Entergy Corporation (Baa3 senior unsecured, stable) would retire its Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant averts some near term regulatory and political risk the company faced in Vermont, but is longer-term credit negative for the organization as it raises questions about the future of some of its other merchant nuclear plants, as well as the ongoing profitability and viability of its entire wholesale generation business. The decision to close Vermont Yankee, Entergy's smallest nuclear plant, will not affect the rating or outlook of Entergy or any of its utility subsidiaries as it has been a marginal contributor to the earnings and cash flow of Entergy Wholesale Commodities (EWC), the company's unregulated generation business segment. Entergy has indicated that it expects a modest cash flow benefit over the next few years from closing the plant.