25.04.2014 18:19:00

Consolidated Minerals Limited -- Moody's affirms Consmin's B3 CFR and assigns (P)B3 rating to new notes; Outlook stable

London, 25 April 2014 -- Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has today affirmed the B3 Corporate Family rating (CFR) and the Probability of Default Rating of B3-PD to Consolidated Minerals Limited (Consmin). The agency has also assigned a provisional (P)B3 rating (LGD4/56%) to USD400 million of senior secured notes due 2020 to be issued. The outlook on all ratings is stable. Furthermore, Moody's will withdraw the B3 rating on the existing senior secured notes due 2016 once they have been repaid in full. Consmin has already indicated that a portion of the proceeds of the new notes will be used to repay in full the existing notes.

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