26.09.2014 19:15:00
Alu Holdco 1 Limited -- Moody's assigns B2 CFR to Alu Holdco 1 Limited (Corialis); stable outlook
London, 26 September 2014 -- Moody's Investors Service, ("Moody's") has today assigned a B2 corporate family rating (CFR) and B2-PD probability of default rating to Alu Holdco 1 Limited (a holding company of the Corialis Group, or "the company"). Concurrently, Moody's has assigned a B1 rating to a EUR20 million revolving credit facility and a EUR40 million capital expenditure facility, both due 2020, and to a EUR320 million first-lien facility due 2021. It has also assigned a Caa1 rating to a EUR105 million second-lien facility due 2022. The outlook on all ratings is stable. Alu Holdco 2 Limited, a wholly owned direct subsidiary of Alu Holdco 1 Limited will issue the facilities in support of the acquisition of Corialis by funds controlled by Advent.