25.07.2011 23:06:00
Range Announces Second Quarter 2011 Results
RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION (NYSE: RRC) today announced its second quarter 2011 results. The favorable second quarter results were driven by higher production volumes, higher realized prices and lower unit costs. Reported GAAP net income for second quarter 2011 totaled $51.3 million ($0.32 per diluted share), up from $9.1 million ($0.06 per diluted share) for the prior year quarter. Net cash provided from operating activities including changes in working capital totaled $173.0 million for the second quarter versus $107.6 million for the prior year quarter. Adjusted net income comparable to analysts’ estimates, a non-GAAP measure, was $43.2 million ($0.27 per diluted share), approximately three times the comparable amount for the prior year quarter. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital, a non-GAAP measure, increased 30% year-over-year to $168.0 million. Comparing these amounts to analysts’ average First Call consensus estimates, the Company’s earnings per share ($0.27 per diluted share) was greater than the consensus of analysts’ estimates of $0.19 per diluted share and cash flow per share ($1.06 per diluted share) for the quarter was greater than the consensus analysts’ estimates of $0.99 per diluted share. See "Non-GAAP Financial Measures” for a definition of each of these non-GAAP financial measures and tables that reconcile each of these non-GAAP measures to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measure.
The second quarter results reflected an 8% increase in production, a 14% increase in realized prices and a 9% decrease in the unit costs of the Company’s five largest cost categories compared to the prior year quarter. As previously announced, production averaged 508.0 Mmcfe net per day. Production was 76% natural gas, 17% natural gas liquids (NGLs) and 7% crude oil. Targeted drilling to Range’s liquids-rich plays increased the Company’s NGL production by almost 20% between years. Realized prices, including all cash-settled derivatives, average $5.76 per mcfe, a 14% increase over the prior year quarter. The increase in the average per mcfe prices was primarily due to a greater proportion of liquids in the total production mix and stronger NGL and oil prices. During the second quarter, the Company continued to drive down its unit costs. In aggregate, the Company’s five largest cost categories decreased 9% on a unit of production basis. The most significant cost declines related to depreciation, depletion and amortization expense, and direct operating costs.
Commenting on the announcement, John Pinkerton, Range’s Chairman and CEO, said, "The second quarter results reflect terrific execution by the entire Range team. While simultaneously closing the sale of the Barnett Shale properties, we drove up production above the high-end of our guidance while also driving down our unit costs. We finished the quarter in the best financial position in the Company’s history with $289 million in cash, no borrowings outstanding on our $2.0 billion bank credit facility and no bond maturities until 2017. Looking to the second half of the year, we anticipate fully replacing all of the Barnett production by the end of the third quarter, reaching our Company-wide production increase target of 10% for the year and exiting the year at 400 Mmcfe per day net from the Marcellus Shale. Additionally, as we continue to redeploy the Barnett sale proceeds into higher return projects, we expect to see further lowering of our cost structure. In addition to the Marcellus, Upper Devonian and Utica plays in Appalachia, we are proactively expanding several other plays including the Mississippian Lime and St. Louis plays in our Midcontinent region. Range is extraordinarily well positioned to continue to drive up its per share value in the second half of 2011 and for 2012 and beyond.”
Financial Discussion –
(Except for reported GAAP amounts, specific expense categories exclude non-cash property impairments, mark-to-market on unrealized derivatives, non-cash stock compensation and other items shown separately on attached tables but include the results associated with Barnett properties with the reported amounts as continuing operations)
As previously announced, Range closed the Barnett Shale property sale at the end of April during the quarter. Under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the Barnett properties have been reclassified as "Discontinued operations” for the quarter and for the prior-year comparable period. As a result, production, revenue and expenses associated with the properties have been removed from continuing operations and reclassified to discontinued operations. In this release, we have included Statements of Operations that reconcile and reclassify Barnett discontinued operations into continuing operations for comparative purposes. These supplemental non-GAAP tables present the reported GAAP amounts as compared to the amounts that would have been reported if the Barnett operations were included in continuing operations through the end of April 2011. All variances discussed in this release include the Barnett operations as continuing operations in the current year and the prior year periods.
For the quarter, production averaged 508.0 Mmcfe per day, comprised of 388.7 Mmcf per day of gas (76%), 14,344 barrels per day of natural gas liquids (17%) and 5,545 barrels per day of oil (7%). Natural gas production grew 2% and NGL and crude oil production increased 33% over the prior-year quarter due to outstanding drilling results in the liquids-rich areas of both the Marcellus Shale and the Midcontinent areas. Realized prices, including all cash-settled derivatives, averaged $5.76 per mcfe, a 14% increase over the prior-year quarter of $5.07 and a 6% increase as compared to the first quarter 2011 of $5.45 per mcfe. The increase in the average per mcfe price was due to a greater proportion of liquids in the total production mix and stronger NGL and crude oil prices. The average realized gas price was $4.54 per mcf, 4% higher than the prior-year quarter. The natural gas liquids price increased 35% to $50.07 a barrel versus the prior-year quarter, while the average oil price rose 18% to $80.42 a barrel. Reported GAAP natural gas, NGL and oil sale revenues for the quarter were $256.7 million, an increase of 48% as compared to the prior year excluding sales from the Barnett properties shown as discontinued operations. Total natural gas, NGL and oil sales (including all cash settled derivatives and the Barnett properties) increased 29% compared to the prior-year quarter to $267.5 million resulting from higher volumes and prices. The total revenues include $6.2 million of cash proceeds received upon the sale of the natural gas hedges which were sold along with the Barnett Shale properties ($0.14 additional hedging proceeds for the average per mcfe equivalent price realization for the quarter or $0.18 additional proceeds for the natural gas realization). The remaining $18.8 million of cash proceeds associated with these natural gas hedges will be recognized in natural gas revenues in the third and fourth quarters.
During the second quarter of 2011, Range continued to lower its cost structure. On a unit of production basis, the Company’s five largest cost categories fell by 9% in aggregate compared to the prior-year period. Compared to prior year, depreciation, depletion and amortization expense decreased 20% to $1.69 per mcfe, direct operating costs decreased 4% to $0.65 per mcfe, and production tax expense decreased 11% to $0.17 per mcfe, which more than offset the increases in general and administrative expense of $0.59 per mcfe (up 13%) and interest expense of $0.76 per mcfe (up 6%).
During the second quarter, Range used a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the Barnett Shale properties to pay off the entire outstanding balance on its credit facility. Over time, the excess sales proceeds will be redeployed into the Company’s capital spending program. In May, Range issued $500 million of 5.75% senior subordinated notes due 2021 and purchased or redeemed all of its $150 million of 6.375% senior subordinated notes due 2015 and $250 million of 7.5% senior subordinated notes due 2016. The refinancing lowered our effective interest rate and extended the tenor for five years. The Company recognized a resulting loss on early extinguishment of debt of $18.6 million ($10.8 million after deferred taxes).
Capital Expenditures –
Second quarter drilling expenditures of $281.1 million funded the drilling of 91 (84 net) wells and the completion of previously drilled wells. A 100% drilling success rate was achieved. Year to date drilling expenditures for 2011 totaled $548.4 million. For the first six months of 2011, Range has drilled 146 (133 net) wells. At June 30, 26 (24 net) wells have been drilled during the year and placed on production. The remaining 120 (109 net) wells are in various stages of completion or waiting on pipeline connection. Since inception of the play through June 30, 2011, Range has drilled and cased 292 horizontal Marcellus wells of which 71 are awaiting completion and 30 are awaiting pipeline connection. In the first six months of 2011, $67.7 million was expended on acreage, $11.8 million on gas gathering systems and $36.6 million for exploration expense (includes $17.5 million for seismic and $11.8 million for delay rentals).
Operational Discussion –
Marcellus Shale Division
We are currently producing just over 300 Mmcfe per day net from the Marcellus Shale, up from approximately 200 Mmcfe per day at year-end 2010. Previously announced in the operations update, Range disclosed that based on the production performance of the 103 horizontal wells placed on production during 2009 and 2010, that the estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) of reserves for these wells averages 5.7 Bcfe per well. Using these EUR estimates with the cost to drill and complete these wells of $4 million in a development mode, Range’s well economics pressure tested at NYMEX indexed prices of $4.00 for natural gas price and $85.00 for crude oil achieves a 79% rate of return but at a NYMEX natural gas price of $5.00 is 105% rate of return. Drill bit finding and development cost decline to $0.82 per mcfe. The 5.7 Bcfe type curve reflects that 40% of the EUR is produced within the first five years of production.
Range believes that comparisons of relative EUR estimates should take into consideration lateral length and number of frac stages in determining relative performance between areas in the Marcellus. Relative estimates of rate of returns between areas should consider the completed well costs in each area, the natural gas and liquid components of the production due to the differences in commodity prices along with the relative basis and transportation differentials.
In southwest Pennsylvania, 200 Mmcf per day of additional processing capacity was brought on line in May increasing Range’s total committed processing capacity to 350 Mmcf per day. By the end of the year, Range’s processing capacity is scheduled to increase to 390 Mmcf per day. These processing capacities do not include the significant amount of available interruptible capacity not being utilized by third parties. As a result, Range is well positioned to steadily grow its liquid-rich production in southwest Pennsylvania.
As of the end of the second quarter, there were 21 wells completed in southwest Pennsylvania that are awaiting connection to the gathering system and 51 wells waiting to be completed.
In northeast Pennsylvania, the second expansion of 150 Mmcf per day of the Lycoming County trunkline system is scheduled to be completed in stages during the third and fourth quarters which will tie in an expected additional 33 wells by the end of November. The first five of those additional wells just commenced production last week. Range still anticipates exiting 2011 at 400 Mmcfe per day net in the Marcellus increasing to 600 Mmcfe per day net by the end of 2012.
Midcontinent Division
The Midcontinent Division activity for the second quarter continued to generate liquids-rich results with a 30% increase in production year-over-year. Liquids production for the quarter was up 20% over the previous year. Five wells in the Ardmore Basin Woodford play were turned to sales at combined rates of 5,069 gross (2,641 net) Boe per day. In northern Oklahoma, the Mississippi Lime play continues to command attention. Range has drilled four wells in the play in 2011. Results of these wells and continued strong performance on the earlier program wells have resulted in an expansion of the play. Current production from the Mississippi Lime area is 3,200 gross (2,550 Net) Boe per day. Range estimates that the EUR for the seven horizontal wells drilled to date average 485 MBoe per well. The average lateral length is 2,197 feet with 12 frac stages. Approximately 70% of the EUR is comprised of liquids. Reserve projections for wells in Range’s area of interest are now estimated to be in the range of 400-500 MBoe per well for approximately 2,000 foot laterals with 12 stages at depths of 5,000 feet. Range now controls over 45,000 net acres in the play with 900+ potential well locations, up from the previously disclosed 28,000 net acres.
An offset to the prolific St. Louis completion in the Texas Panhandle is currently drilling and three additional offsets are planned to be drilled later this year. Range’s original horizontal St. Louis Lime well continues to perform above expectations. After 28 weeks of production, the well has produced more than 3.0 Bcfe, with current rates still at 12.3 Mmcf of natural gas and over 760 barrels of liquids per day or 16.8 (5.0 Net) Mmcfe per day. Our Woodford "Cana” activity also continues with Range participating in one non-operated well. As development in the play approaches our 42,000 net acre position which is already held by production, Range expects our drilling activity to increase.
Appalachia Division
During the second quarter of 2011, the Appalachia Division increased production by 12% year-over-year focusing on the tight gas sand and horizontal drilling projects on its 350,000 (235,000 net) acres in Virginia. Range either owns the minerals or the leases are held by production with no lease expiration issues. The division averaged three rigs running in the quarter and drilled 17 (16.5 net) vertical tight gas sand wells and 3 (2.5 net) horizontal wells that targeted the Huron Shale and the Berea formations in the Nora field. Also in the quarter, Range performed four recompletions of behind-pipe pays in an effort to maximize production on existing wells at modest cost.
Conference Call Information –
The Company will host a conference call on Tuesday July 26, 2011 at 1:00pm ET to review the second quarter results. To participate in the call, please dial 877-407-0778 and ask for the Range Resources’ second quarter earnings conference call. A replay of the call will be available through August 26, 2011. To access the phone replay dial 877-660-6853. The account number is 286 and the conference ID for the replay is 376010. Additional financial and statistical information about the period not included in this release but discussed on the conference call will be available on our home page at www.rangeresources.com.
A simultaneous webcast of the call may be accessed over the Internet at www.rangeresources.com or www.vcall.com. To listen, please go to either website in time to register and install any necessary software. The webcast will be archived for replay on the Company’s website until October 26.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Supplemental Tables –
Adjusted net income comparable to analysts’ estimates as used in this release represents income from continuing operations before income taxes adjusted for certain items (detailed below and in the accompanying table) less income taxes. We believe adjusted net income comparable to analysts’ estimates is calculated on the same basis as analysts’ estimates and that many investors use this published research in making investment decisions useful in evaluating operational trends of the Company and its performance relative to other oil and gas producing companies. Diluted earnings per share (adjusted) as set forth in this release represents adjusted net income comparable to analysts’ estimates on a diluted per share basis. A table is included which reconciles income or loss from continuing operations to adjusted net income comparable to analysts’ estimates and diluted earnings per share (adjusted). On its website, the Company provides additional comparative information on prior periods.
Second quarter 2011 earnings included income of $54.1 million for the non-cash unrealized mark-to-market increase in value of the Company’s derivatives, income of $5.8 million recorded for the mark-to-market in the deferred compensation plan for the decrease in the Company’s common stock during the period and $13.4 million of non-cash stock compensation expense, $18.6 million of expense on refinancing of subordinated debt, an unproved property impairment expense of $18.9 million and $1.7 million of loss on sale of properties and other. Excluding these items, net income would have been $43.2 million or $0.27 per share ($0.27 fully diluted). Excluding similar non-cash items from the prior-year quarter, net income would have been $14.1 million or $0.09 per share ($0.09 fully diluted). By excluding these non-cash items from our reported earnings, we believe we present our earnings in a manner consistent with the presentation used by analysts in their projection of the Company’s earnings. (See the reconciliation of non-GAAP earnings in the accompanying table.)
"Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital” as used in this release represents net cash provided by operations before changes in working capital and exploration expense adjusted for certain non-cash compensation items. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital is widely accepted by the investment community as a financial indicator of an oil and gas company’s ability to generate cash to internally fund exploration and development activities and to service debt. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital is also useful because it is widely used by professional research analysts in valuing, comparing, rating and providing investment recommendations of companies in the oil and gas exploration and production industry. In turn, many investors use this published research in making investment decisions. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital is not a measure of financial performance under GAAP and should not be considered as an alternative to "Cash flows from operating, investing, or financing activities” as an indicator of cash flows, or as a measure of liquidity. A table is included which reconciles "Net cash provided from operating activities” to "Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital” as used in this release. On its website, the Company provides additional comparative information on prior periods for cash flow, cash margins and non-GAAP earnings as used in this release.
The cash prices realized for natural gas, NGL and oil production including the amounts realized on cash-settled derivatives is a critical component in the Company’s performance tracked by investors and professional research analysts in valuing, comparing, rating and providing investment recommendations and forecasts of companies in the oil and gas exploration and production industry. In turn, many investors use this published research in making investment decisions. Due to the GAAP disclosures of various hedging and derivative transactions, such information is now reported in various lines of the statements of operations. The Company believes that it is important to furnish a table reflecting the details of the various components of each line in the statements of operations to better inform the reader the details of each amount and provide a summary of the realized cash-settled amounts which historically were reported as natural gas, NGL and oil sales. This information will serve to bridge the gap between various reader’s understanding and fully disclose the information needed.
The Company discloses in this release the detail components of many of the single line items shown in the GAAP financial statements included in the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. The Company believes that it is important to furnish this detail of the various components comprising each line of the Statement of Operations to better inform the reader the details of each amount, the changes between periods and the effect on its financial results.
Hedging and Derivatives –
In this release, Range has reclassified within total revenues its reporting of the cash settlement of its commodity derivatives. Under this presentation those hedges considered "effective” under ASC 815 are included in "Natural gas, NGL and oil sales” when settled. For those hedges designated to regions where the historical correlation between NYMEX and regional prices is "non-highly effective” or there is "volumetric ineffectiveness” due to the sale of the underlying reserves, they are deemed to be "derivatives” and the cash settlements are included in a separate line item shown as "Derivative fair value income” in the Form 10-Q along with the change in mark-to-market valuations of such unrealized derivatives. The Company has provided additional information regarding natural gas, NGL and oil sales in a supplemental table included with this release which would correspond to amounts shown by analysts for natural gas, NGL and oil sales realized, including all cash-settled derivatives.
RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION (NYSE: RRC) is an independent natural gas company operating in the Appalachia and Southwest regions of the United States.
Except for historical information, statements made in this release such as expected increases in per share value, attractive returns on capital, expected operating costs, expected production growth, expected capital funding sources, expected reduction of future unit costs, attractive hedge positions, best financial position, and expansion of plays are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These statements are based on assumptions and estimates that management believes are reasonable based on currently available information; however, management’s assumptions and Range’s future performance are subject to a wide range of business risks and uncertainties and there is no assurance that these goals and projections can or will be met. Any number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, the volatility of oil and gas prices, the results of our hedging transactions, the costs and results of drilling and operations, the timing of production, mechanical and other inherent risks associated with oil and gas production, weather, the availability of drilling equipment, changes in interest rates, litigation, uncertainties about reserve estimates, environmental risks and regulatory changes. Range undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. Further information on risks and uncertainties is available in Range’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC”), which are incorporated by reference.
The SEC permits oil and gas companies, in filings made with the SEC, to disclose proved reserves, which are estimates that geological and engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions as well as the option to disclose probable and possible reserves. Range has elected not to disclose the Company’s probable and possible reserves in its filings with the SEC. Range uses certain broader terms such as "resource potential," or "unproved resource potential" or "upside" or other descriptions of volumes of resources potentially recoverable through additional drilling or recovery techniques that may include probable and possible reserves as defined by the SEC's guidelines. Range has not attempted to distinguish probable and possible reserves from these broader classifications. The SEC’s rules prohibit us from including in filings with the SEC these broader classifications of reserves. These estimates are by their nature more speculative than estimates of proved, probable and possible reserves and accordingly are subject to substantially greater risk of being actually realized. Unproved resource potential refers to Range's internal estimates of hydrocarbon quantities that may be potentially discovered through exploratory drilling or recovered with additional drilling or recovery techniques and have not been reviewed by independent engineers. Unproved resource potential does not constitute reserves within the meaning of the Society of Petroleum Engineer's Petroleum Resource Management System and does not include proved reserves. Area wide unproven, unrisked resource potential has not been fully risked by Range's management. Actual quantities that may be ultimately recovered from Range's interests will differ substantially. Factors affecting ultimate recovery include the scope of Range's drilling program, which will be directly affected by the availability of capital, drilling and production costs, commodity prices, availability of drilling services and equipment, drilling results, lease expirations, transportation constraints, regulatory approvals, field spacing rules, recoveries of gas in place, length of horizontal laterals, actual drilling results, including geological and mechanical factors affecting recovery rates and other factors. Estimates of resource potential may change significantly as development of our resource plays provides additional data. Investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, available from our website at www.rangeresources.com or by written request to 100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1200, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. You can also obtain this Form 10-K by calling the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330.
STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Based on GAAP reported earnings with additional | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
details of items included in each line in Form 10-Q | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Unaudited, in thousands, except per share data) | Three Months Ended June 30, | Six Months Ended June 30, | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2011 | 2010 | 2011 | 2010 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Revenues and other income: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas, NGL and oil sales (a) | $ | 256,687 | $ | 173,153 | $ | 483,568 | $ | 360,826 | |||||||||||||||||
Derivative cash settlements gain (loss) (a) (c) | (1,034 | ) | 10,695 | (2,400 | ) | 6,699 | |||||||||||||||||||
Transportation and gathering | (699 | ) | 972 | 4 | 3,387 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Transportation and gathering – non-cash stock compensation (b) |
(342 | ) | (309 | ) | (732 | ) | (643 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Change in mark-to-market on unrealized derivatives gain (loss) (c) |
48,139 | (4,409 | ) | 8,103 | 42,169 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ineffective hedging gain (loss) (c) | 5,934 | 260 | 6,502 | 11 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Gain (loss) on sale of properties | (1,622 | ) | 10,176 | (1,483 | ) | 78,089 | |||||||||||||||||||
Equity method investment (d) | (1,021 | ) | 636 | (759 | ) | (985 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||
Other (d) | 587 | 1 | 1,402 | 47 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Total revenues and other income | 306,629 | 191,175 | 60 | % | 494,205 | 489,600 | 1 | % | |||||||||||||||||
Costs and expenses: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Direct operating | 27,866 | 20,608 | 56,273 | 42,082 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Direct operating – non-cash stock compensation (b) | 643 | 563 | 953 | 925 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Production and ad valorem taxes | 7,550 | 5,663 | 14,429 | 12,205 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Exploration | 10,655 | 13,348 | 36,513 | 26,351 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Exploration – non-cash stock compensation (b) | 937 | 1,072 | 2,266 | 2,208 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Abandonment and impairment of unproved properties | 18,900 | 9,727 | 35,437 | 16,278 | |||||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative | 27,299 | 22,532 | 54,416 | 42,860 | |||||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative – non-cash stock compensation (b) |
11,467 | 10,738 | 18,997 | 18,580 | |||||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative – lawsuit settlements | 70 | 2,566 | 70 | 2,566 | |||||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative – bad debt expense | 284 | - | (404 | ) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||
Termination costs | - | - | - | 5,138 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Termination costs – non-cash stock compensation (b) | - | - | - | 2,800 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Deferred compensation plan (e) | (5,778 | ) | (14,135 | ) | 24,852 | (19,847 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||
Interest expense | 31,383 | 21,271 | 56,162 | 42,202 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Loss on early extinguishment of debt | 18,580 | - | 18,580 | - | |||||||||||||||||||||
Depletion, depreciation and amortization | 78,294 | 67,813 | 150,510 | $ | 132,620 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Impairment of proved property | - | - | - | 6,505 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Total costs and expenses | 228,150 | 161,766 | 41 | % | 469,054 | 333,473 | 41 | % | |||||||||||||||||
Income from continuing operations before income taxes | 78,479 | 29,409 | 167 | % | 25,151 | 156,127 | -84 | % | |||||||||||||||||
Income tax expense: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current | 8 | - | 8 | - | |||||||||||||||||||||
Deferred | 32,695 | 11,763 | 12,798 | 60,775 | |||||||||||||||||||||
32,703 | 11,763 | 12,806 | 60,775 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Income from continuing operations | 45,776 | 17,646 | 159 | % | 12,345 | 95,352 | -87 | % | |||||||||||||||||
Discontinued operations, net of tax | 5,517 | (8,594 | ) | 13,915 | (8,721 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
Net income | $ | 51,293 | $ | 9,052 | 467 | % | $ | 26,260 | $ | 86,631 | -70 | % | |||||||||||||
Income (Loss) Per Common Share: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Basic-Income (loss) from continuing operations | $ | 0.28 | $ | 0.11 | $ | 0.08 | $ | 0.59 | |||||||||||||||||
Discontinued operations | 0.04 | (0.05 | ) | 0.08 | (0.05 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
Net income (loss) | $ | 0.32 | $ | 0.06 | 433 | % | $ | 0.16 | $ | 0.54 | -70 | % | |||||||||||||
Diluted-Income (loss) from continuing operations | $ | 0.28 | $ | 0.11 | $ | 0.08 | $ | 0.59 | |||||||||||||||||
Discontinued operations | 0.04 | (0.05 | ) | 0.08 | (0.05 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
Net income (loss) | $ | 0.32 | $ | 0.06 | 433 | % | $ | 0.16 | $ | 0.54 | -70 | % | |||||||||||||
Weighted average common shares outstanding, as reported: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Basic | 157,997 | 156,820 | 1 | % | 157,772 | 156,608 | 1 | % | |||||||||||||||||
Diluted | 158,833 | 158,472 | 0 | % | 158,729 | 158,601 | 0 | % |
(a) | See separate natural gas, NGL and oil sales information table. | |
(b) |
Costs associated with stock compensation and restricted stock amortization, which have been reflected in the categories associated with the direct personnel costs, which are combined with the cash costs in the 10-Q. |
(c) | Included in Derivative fair value income in the 10-Q. | |
(d) | Included in Other revenues in the 10-Q. | |
(e) | Reflects the change in market value of the vested Company stock held in the deferred compensation plan. | |
STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Restated for Barnett discontinued operations, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
a non-GAAP presentation | Three Months Ended June 30, 2011 | Three Months Ended June 30, 2010 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Unaudited, in thousands, except per share data) | As reported |
Discontinued Operations |
Including Barnett Ops | As reported |
Discontinued Operations |
Including Barnett Ops | |||||||||||||||||||
Revenues: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas, NGL and oil sales | $ | 256,687 | $ | 10,777 | $ | 267,464 | $ | 173,153 | $ | 33,631 | $ | 206,784 | |||||||||||||
Derivative cash settlements gain (loss) |
(1,034 | ) | - | (1,034 | ) | 10,695 | - | 10,695 | |||||||||||||||||
Transportation and gathering | (699 | ) | 1 | (698 | ) | 972 | 11 | 983 | |||||||||||||||||
Transportation and gathering – non-cash stock compensation |
(342 |
) |
- | (342 | ) |
(309 |
) |
- |
(309 |
) |
Change in mark-to-market on unrealized derivatives gain (loss) | 48,139 | - | 48,139 |
(4,409 |
) |
- |
(4,409 |
) |
Ineffective hedging gain (loss) | 5,934 | - | 5,934 | 260 | - | 260 | |||||||||||||||||||
Gain (loss) on sale of properties | (1,622 | ) | 3,820 | 2,198 | 10,176 | - | 10,176 | ||||||||||||||||||
Equity method investment | (1,021 | ) | - | (1,021 | ) | 636 | - | 636 | |||||||||||||||||
Interest and other | 587 | - | 587 | 1 | - | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||
306,629 | 14,598 | 321,227 | 191,175 | 33,642 | 224,817 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Expenses: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Direct operating | 27,866 | 2,169 | 30,035 | 20,608 | 8,542 | 29,150 | |||||||||||||||||||
Direct operating – non-cash stock compensation | 643 | - | 643 | 563 | 62 | 625 | |||||||||||||||||||
Production and ad valorem taxes | 7,550 | 184 | 7,734 | 5,663 | 2,427 | 8,090 | |||||||||||||||||||
Exploration | 10,655 | 5 | 10,660 | 13,348 | 53 | 13,401 | |||||||||||||||||||
Exploration – non-cash stock compensation | 937 | - | 937 | 1,072 | - | 1,072 | |||||||||||||||||||
Abandonment and impairment of unproved properties | 18,900 | - | 18,900 | 9,727 | 3,770 | 13,497 | |||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative | 27,299 | - | 27,299 | 22,532 | - | 22,532 | |||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative – non-cash stock compensation |
11,467 | - | 11,467 | 10,738 | - | 10,738 | |||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative – lawsuit settlements | 70 | - | 70 | 2,566 | - | 2,566 | |||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative – bad debt expense | 284 | - | 284 | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Termination costs | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Termination costs – non-cash stock compensation | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Deferred compensation plan | (5,778 | ) | - | (5,778 | ) | (14,135 | ) | - | (14,135 | ) | |||||||||||||||
Interest expense | 31,383 | 3,715 | 35,098 | 21,271 | 9,508 | 30,779 | |||||||||||||||||||
Loss on early extinguishment of debt | 18,580 | - | 18,580 | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Depletion, depreciation and amortization | 78,294 | 14 | 78,308 | 67,813 | 23,184 | 90,997 | |||||||||||||||||||
Impairment of proved properties | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||
228,150 | 6,087 | 234,237 | 161,766 | 47,546 | 209,312 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes | 78,479 | 8,511 | 86,990 | 29,409 | (13,904 | ) | 15,505 | ||||||||||||||||||
Income tax expense (benefit): | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current | 8 | - | 8 | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Deferred | 32,695 | 2,994 | 35,689 | 11,763 | (5,310 | ) | 6,453 | ||||||||||||||||||
32,703 | 2,994 | 35,697 | 11,763 | (5,310 | ) | 6,453 | |||||||||||||||||||
Income (loss) from continuing operations | 45,776 | 5,517 | 51,293 | 17,646 | (8,594 | ) | 9,052 | ||||||||||||||||||
Discontinued operations-Barnett Shale, net of tax | 5,517 | (5,517 | ) | - | (8,594 | ) | 8,594 | - | |||||||||||||||||
Net income | $ | 51,293 | $ | - | $ | 51,293 | $ | 9,052 | $ | - | $ | 9,052 | |||||||||||||
OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Average daily production: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas (mcf) | 360,566 | 28,120 | 388,686 | 279,409 | 102,478 | 381,887 | |||||||||||||||||||
NGL (bbl) | 13,588 | 756 | 14,344 | 7,865 | 1,786 | 9,651 | |||||||||||||||||||
Oil (bbl) | 5,527 | 18 | 5,545 | 5,215 | 112 | 5,327 | |||||||||||||||||||
Gas equivalent (mcfe) | 475,256 | 32,762 | 508,018 | 357,889 | 113,863 | 471,752 | |||||||||||||||||||
Average prices realized: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas (mcf) | $ | 4.65 | $ | 3.07 | $ | 4.54 | $ | 4.89 | $ | 2.97 | $ | 4.37 | |||||||||||||
NGL (bbl) | $ | 50.62 | $ | 40.15 | $ | 50.07 | $ | 38.29 | $ | 32.04 | $ | 37.13 | |||||||||||||
Oil (bbl) | $ | 80.34 | $ | 102.88 | $ | 80.42 | $ | 67.81 | $ | 74.52 | $ | 67.96 | |||||||||||||
Gas equivalent (mcfe) | $ | 5.91 | $ | 3.61 | $ | 5.76 | $ | 5.65 | $ | 3.25 | $ | 5.07 | |||||||||||||
Direct operating cash costs per mcfe: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Field expenses | $ | 0.63 | $ | 0.71 | $ | 0.64 | $ | 0.60 | $ | 0.79 | $ | 0.65 | |||||||||||||
Workovers | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.03 | 0.03 | 0.03 | |||||||||||||||||||
Total operating costs | $ | 0.64 | $ | 0.73 | $ | 0.65 | $ | 0.63 | $ | 0.82 | $ | 0.68 | |||||||||||||
STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Restated for Barnett discontinued operations, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
a non-GAAP presentation | Six Months Ended June 30, 2011 | Six Months Ended June 30, 2010 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Unaudited, in thousands, except per share data) | As reported |
Discontinued Operations |
Including Barnett Ops | As reported |
Discontinued Operations |
Including Barnett Ops | |||||||||||||||||||
Revenues: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas, NGL and oil sales | $ | 483,568 | $ | 53,034 | $ | 536,602 | $ | 360,826 | $ | 82,718 | $ | 443,544 | |||||||||||||
Derivative cash settlements gain (loss) | (2,400 | ) | - | (2,400 | ) | 6,699 | - | 6,699 | |||||||||||||||||
Transportation and gathering | 4 | 6 | 10 | 3,387 | 23 | 3,410 | |||||||||||||||||||
Transportation and gathering – non-cash stock compensation |
(732 |
) |
- | (732 | ) |
(643 |
) |
- |
(643 |
) |
Change in mark-to-market on unrealized derivatives gain (loss) | 8,103 | - | 8,103 |
42,169 |
- |
42,169 |
Ineffective hedging gain (loss) | 6,502 | - | 6,502 | 11 | - | 11 | |||||||||||||||||||
Gain (loss) on sale of properties | (1,483 | ) | 3,820 | 2,337 | 78,089 | 955 | 79,044 | ||||||||||||||||||
Equity method investment | (759 | ) | - | (759 | ) | (985 | ) | - | (985 | ) | |||||||||||||||
Interest and other | 1,402 | 4 | 1,406 | 47 | - | 47 | |||||||||||||||||||
494,205 | 56,864 | 551,069 | 489,600 | 83,696 | 573,296 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Expenses: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Direct operating | 56,273 | 10,401 | 66,674 | 42,082 | 17,615 | 59,697 | |||||||||||||||||||
Direct operating – non-cash stock compensation | 953 | 45 | 998 | 925 | 193 | 1,118 | |||||||||||||||||||
Production and ad valorem taxes | 14,429 | 1,250 | 15,679 | 12,205 | 3,955 | 16,160 | |||||||||||||||||||
Exploration | 36,513 | 37 | 36,550 | 26,351 | 549 | 26,900 | |||||||||||||||||||
Exploration – non-cash stock compensation | 2,266 | - | 2,266 | 2,208 | - | 2,208 | |||||||||||||||||||
Abandonment and impairment of unproved properties | 35,437 | - | 35,437 | 16,278 | 9,626 | 25,904 | |||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative | 54,416 | - | 54,416 | 42,860 | - | 42,860 | |||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative – non-cash stock compensation |
18,997 | - | 18,997 | 18,580 | - | 18,580 | |||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative – lawsuit settlements | 70 | - | 70 | 2,566 | - | 2,566 | |||||||||||||||||||
General and administrative – bad debt expense | (404 | ) | - | (404 | ) | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||
Termination costs | - | - | - | 5,138 | - | 5,138 | |||||||||||||||||||
Termination costs – non-cash stock compensation | - | - | - | 2,800 | - | 2,800 | |||||||||||||||||||
Deferred compensation plan | 24,852 | - | 24,852 | (19,847 | ) | - | (19,847 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Interest expense | 56,162 | 14,791 | 70,953 | 42,202 | 18,864 | 61,066 | |||||||||||||||||||
Loss on early extinguishment of debt | 18,580 | - | 18,580 | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Depletion, depreciation and amortization | 150,510 | 8,894 | 159,404 | 132,620 | 47,003 | 179,623 | |||||||||||||||||||
Impairment of proved properties | - | - | - | 6,505 | - | 6,505 | |||||||||||||||||||
469,054 | 35,418 | 504,472 | 333,473 | 97,805 | 431,278 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes | 25,151 | 21,446 | 46,597 | 156,127 | (14,109 | ) | 142,018 | ||||||||||||||||||
Income tax expense (benefit): | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current | 8 | - | 8 | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Deferred | 12,798 | 7,531 | 20,329 | 60,775 | (5,388 | ) | 55,387 | ||||||||||||||||||
12,806 | 7,531 | 20,337 | 60,775 | (5,388 | ) | 55,387 | |||||||||||||||||||
Income (loss) from continuing operations | 12,345 | 13,915 | 26,260 | 95,352 | (8,721 | ) | 86,631 | ||||||||||||||||||
Discontinued operations-Barnett Shale, net of tax | 13,915 | (13,915 | ) | - | (8,721 | ) | 8,721 | - | |||||||||||||||||
Net income | $ | 26,260 | $ | - | $ | 26,260 | $ | 86,631 | $ | - | $ | 86,631 | |||||||||||||
OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Average daily production: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas (mcf) | 345,950 | 63,229 | 409,179 | 275,129 | 103,336 | 378,465 | |||||||||||||||||||
NGL (bbl) | 13,083 | 1,257 | 14,341 | 7,399 | 2,045 | 9,444 | |||||||||||||||||||
Oil (bbl) | 5,188 | 48 | 5,236 | 5,412 | 109 | 5,521 | |||||||||||||||||||
Gas equivalent (mcfe) | 455,580 | 71,060 | 526,640 | 351,997 | 116,262 | 468,259 | |||||||||||||||||||
Average prices realized: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas (mcf) | $ | 4.62 | $ | 3.68 | $ | 4.47 | $ | 4.91 | $ | 3.64 | $ | 4.57 | |||||||||||||
NGL (bbl) | $ | 49.44 | $ | 44.69 | $ | 49.02 | $ | 41.39 | $ | 35.32 | $ | 40.07 | |||||||||||||
Oil (bbl) | $ | 79.86 | $ | 92.36 | $ | 79.98 | $ | 68.74 | $ | 74.81 | $ | 68.86 | |||||||||||||
Gas equivalent (mcfe) | $ | 5.84 | $ | 4.12 | $ | 5.60 | $ | 5.77 | $ | 3.93 | $ | 5.31 | |||||||||||||
Direct operating cash costs per mcfe: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Field expenses | $ | 0.67 | $ | 0.79 | $ | 0.69 | $ | 0.63 | $ | 0.80 | $ | 0.67 | |||||||||||||
Workovers | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.03 | 0.04 | 0.03 | |||||||||||||||||||
Total operating costs | $ | 0.68 | $ | 0.81 | $ | 0.70 | $ | 0.66 | $ | 0.84 | $ | 0.70 | |||||||||||||
(In thousands) |
June 30,
2011 |
December 31,
2010 |
(Unaudited) | (Audited) | |||||||
Assets | ||||||||
Current assets | $ | 373,863 | $ | 100,883 | ||||
Current assets of discontinued operations | 16,351 | 876,304 | ||||||
Current unrealized derivative gain | 53,674 | 123,255 | ||||||
Natural gas and oil properties | 4,552,365 | 4,084,013 | ||||||
Transportation and field assets | 57,446 | 74,049 | ||||||
Other | 256,208 | 240,082 | ||||||
$ | 5,309,907 | $ | 5,498,586 | |||||
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity | ||||||||
Current liabilities | $ | 328,639 | $ | 393,228 | ||||
Current asset retirement obligation | 4,020 | 4,020 | ||||||
Current unrealized derivative loss | - | 352 | ||||||
Current liabilities of discontinued operations | 19,381 | 32,962 | ||||||
Bank debt | - | 274,000 | ||||||
Subordinated notes | 1,787,398 | 1,686,536 | ||||||
Total long-term debt | 1,787,398 | 1,960,536 | ||||||
Deferred tax liability | 685,200 | 672,041 | ||||||
Unrealized derivative loss | 4,427 | 13,412 | ||||||
Deferred compensation liability | 159,024 | 134,488 | ||||||
Long-term asset retirement obligation and other | 76,891 | 59,885 | ||||||
Long-term liabilities of discontinued operations | - | 3,901 | ||||||
Common stock and retained earnings | 2,205,476 | 2,163,803 | ||||||
Stock in deferred compensation plan and treasury | (6,489 | ) | (7,512 | ) | ||||
Accumulated other comprehensive income | 45,940 | 67,470 | ||||||
Total stockholders’ equity | 2,244,927 | 2,223,761 | ||||||
$ | 5,309,907 | $ | 5,498,586 | |||||
(Unaudited, in thousands) |
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
2011 | 2010 | 2011 | 2010 | ||||||||||||||
Net income | $ | 51,293 | $ | 9,052 | $ | 26,260 | $ | 86,631 | |||||||||
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided from operating activities: | |||||||||||||||||
(Income) loss discontinued operations | (5,517 | ) | 8,594 | (13,915 | ) | 8,721 | |||||||||||
(Gain) loss from equity investment, net of distributions | 4,521 | (636 | ) | 19,259 | 985 | ||||||||||||
Deferred income tax expense (benefit) | 32,695 | 11,763 | 12,798 | 60,775 | |||||||||||||
Depletion, depreciation, amortization and proved property impairment | 78,294 | 67,814 | 150,510 | 139,126 | |||||||||||||
Exploration dry hole costs | (4 | ) | - | 6 | - | ||||||||||||
Abandonment and impairment of unproved properties | 18,900 | 9,727 | 35,437 | 16,278 | |||||||||||||
Mark-to-market (gain) loss on oil and gas derivatives not designated as hedges | (48,139 | ) | 4,409 | (8,103 | ) | (42,169 | ) | ||||||||||
Unrealized derivative (gain) loss | (5,934 | ) | (260 | ) | (6,502 | ) | (11 | ) | |||||||||
Allowance for bad debts | 284 | - | (404 | ) | - | ||||||||||||
Amortization of deferred financing costs, loss on extinguishment of debt, and other | 19,969 | 1,200 | 19,891 | 2,367 | |||||||||||||
Deferred and stock-based compensation | 7,511 | (1,411 | ) | 48,161 | 5,866 | ||||||||||||
(Gain) loss on sale of assets and other | 1,622 | (10,176 | ) | 1,483 | (78,089 | ) | |||||||||||
Changes in working capital: | |||||||||||||||||
Accounts receivable | (5,848 | ) | (50 | ) | (4,159 | ) | 8,061 | ||||||||||
Inventory and other | (827 | ) | 1,038 | 2,747 | 338 | ||||||||||||
Accounts payable | (8,524 | ) | (3,593 | ) | (6,222 | ) | 13,859 | ||||||||||
Accrued liabilities and other | 17,774 | (5,040 | ) | (436 | ) | (14,038 | ) | ||||||||||
Net changes in working capital | 2,575 | (7,645 | ) | (8,070 | ) | 8,220 | |||||||||||
Net cash provided from continuing operations | 158,070 | 92,431 | 276,811 | 208,700 | |||||||||||||
Net cash provided from discontinued operations | 14,921 | 15,132 | 36,802 | 51,737 | |||||||||||||
Net cash provided from operating activities | $ | 172,991 | $ | 107,563 | $ | 313,613 | $ | 260,437 | |||||||||
(Unaudited, in thousands) |
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
2011 | 2010 | 2011 | 2010 | ||||||||||||||
Net cash provided from operating activities, as reported | $ | 172,991 | $ | 107,563 | $ | 313,613 | $ | 260,437 | |||||||||
Net changes in working capital from continuing operations | (2,575 | ) | 7,645 | 8,070 | (8,220 | ) | |||||||||||
Exploration expense | 10,659 | 13,348 | 36,507 | 26,351 | |||||||||||||
Office closing severance/exit accrual | - | - | - | 5,138 | |||||||||||||
Lawsuit settlements | 70 | 2,566 | 70 | 2,566 | |||||||||||||
Equity method investment distribution | (3,500 | ) | - | (18,500 | ) | - | |||||||||||
Non-cash compensation adjustment | 528 | 220 | 1,849 | (18 | ) | ||||||||||||
Net changes in working capital from discontinued operations and other | (10,211 | ) | (1,967 | ) | (10,200 | ) | (9,430 | ) | |||||||||
Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital, a non-GAAP measure | $ | 167,962 | $ | 129,375 | $ | 331,409 | $ | 276,824 | |||||||||
(Unaudited, in thousands) |
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
2011 | 2010 | 2011 | 2010 | ||||||||||||||
Basic: | |||||||||||||||||
Weighted average shares outstanding | 160,836 | 159,625 | 160,638 | 159,350 | |||||||||||||
Stock held by deferred compensation plan | (2,839 | ) | (2,805 | ) | (2,866 | ) | (2,742 | ) | |||||||||
Adjusted basic | 157,997 | 156,820 | 157,772 | 156,608 | |||||||||||||
Dilutive: | |||||||||||||||||
Weighted average shares outstanding | 160,836 | 159,625 | 160,638 | 159,350 | |||||||||||||
Anti-dilutive or dilutive stock options under treasury method | (2,003 | ) | (1,153 | ) | (1,909 | ) | (749 | ) | |||||||||
Adjusted dilutive | 158,833 | 158,472 | 158,729 | 158,601 | |||||||||||||
As Reported, GAAP | Non-GAAP | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Excludes Barnett Operations | Includes Barnett Operations | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(Unaudited, in thousands, except per unit data) |
Three Months Ended
June 30, |
Three Months Ended
June 30, |
2011 | 2010 | % | 2011 | 2010 | % | ||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas, NGL and oil sales components: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas sales | $ | 123,300 | $ | 95,257 | $ | 131,148 | $ | 122,923 | |||||||||||||||
NGL sales | 62,598 | 27,402 | 65,359 | 32,608 | |||||||||||||||||||
Oil sales | 46,504 | 32,154 | 46,672 | 32,913 | |||||||||||||||||||
Cash-settled hedges (effective): | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas | 18,044 | 18,317 | 18,044 | 18,317 | |||||||||||||||||||
Crude oil | - | 23 | - | 23 | |||||||||||||||||||
Early cash-settled natural gas hedges sold with Barnett sale | 6,241 | - | 6,241 | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Total natural gas, NGL and oil sales, as reported | $ | 256,687 | $ | 173,153 | 48 | % | $ | 267,464 | $ | 206,784 | 29 | % | |||||||||||
Derivative fair value income (loss) components: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Cash-settled derivatives (ineffective): | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas | $ | 5,060 | $ | 10,695 | $ | 5,060 | $ | 10,695 | |||||||||||||||
Crude oil | (6,094 | ) | - | (6,094 | ) | - | |||||||||||||||||
Change in mark-to-market on unrealized derivatives | 48,139 | (4,409 | ) | 48,139 | (4,409 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Unrealized ineffectiveness | 5,934 | 260 | 5,934 | 260 | |||||||||||||||||||
Total derivative fair value income (loss), as reported | $ | 53,039 | $ | 6,546 | $ | 53,039 | $ | 6,546 | |||||||||||||||
Natural gas, NGL and oil sales, including all cash-settled derivatives: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas sales | $ | 152,645 | $ | 124,269 | $ | 160,493 | $ | 151,935 | |||||||||||||||
NGL sales | 62,598 | 27,402 | 65,359 | 32,608 | |||||||||||||||||||
Oil sales | 40,410 | 32,177 | 40,578 | 32,936 | |||||||||||||||||||
Total | $ | 255,653 | $ | 183,848 | 39 | % | $ | 266,430 | $ | 217,479 | 23 | % | |||||||||||
Production during the period (a): | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas (mcf) | 32,811,471 | 25,426,232 | 29 | % | 35,370,403 | 34,751,687 | 2 | % | |||||||||||||||
NGL (bbl) | 1,236,502 | 715,725 | 73 | % | 1,305,263 | 878,219 | 49 | % | |||||||||||||||
Oil (bbl) | 502,962 | 474,557 | 6 | % | 504,604 | 484,742 | 4 | % | |||||||||||||||
Gas equivalent (mcfe) (b) | 43,248,255 | 32,567,924 | 33 | % | 46,229,606 | 42,929,453 | 8 | % | |||||||||||||||
Production – average per day (a): | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas (mcf) | 360,566 | 279,409 | 29 | % | 388,686 | 381,887 | 2 | % | |||||||||||||||
NGL (bbl) | 13,588 | 7,865 | 73 | % | 14,344 | 9,651 | 49 | % | |||||||||||||||
Oil (bbl) | 5,527 | 5,215 | 6 | % | 5,545 | 5,327 | 4 | % | |||||||||||||||
Gas equivalent (mcfe) (b) | 475,256 | 357,889 | 33 | % | 508,018 | 471,752 | 8 | % | |||||||||||||||
Average prices realized, including cash-settled derivatives and early cash-settled hedges for Barnett: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas (mcf) | $ | 4.65 | $ | 4.89 | -5 | % | $ | 4.54 | $ | 4.37 | 4 | % | |||||||||||
NGL (bbl) | $ | 50.62 | $ | 38.29 | 32 | % | $ | 50.07 | $ | 37.13 | 35 | % | |||||||||||
Oil (bbl) (c) | $ | 80.34 | $ | 67.81 | 18 | % | $ | 80.42 | $ | 67.96 | 18 | % | |||||||||||
Gas equivalent (mcfe) (b) | $ | 5.91 | $ | 5.65 | 5 | % | $ | 5.76 | $ | 5.07 | 14 | % | |||||||||||
Direct operating cash costs per mcfe (c): | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Field expenses | $ | 0.63 | $ | 0.60 | 5 | % | $ | 0.64 | $ | 0.65 | -2 | % | |||||||||||
Workovers | 0.01 | 0.03 | -67 | % | 0.01 | 0.03 | -67 | % | |||||||||||||||
Total direct operating cash costs | $ | 0.64 | $ | 0.63 | 2 | % | $ | 0.65 | $ | 0.68 | -4 | % |
(a) | Represents volumes sold regardless of when produced. | |
(b) | Oil and NGLs are converted to mcfe at a rate of one barrel equals six mcf based upon the approximate relative energy content of oil and natural gas, which is not necessarily indicative of the relationship of oil and natural gas prices. | |
(c) | Excludes non-cash stock compensation. | |
As Reported, GAAP | Non-GAAP | ||||||||||||||||||||
Excludes Barnett Operations | Includes Barnett Operations | ||||||||||||||||||||
(Unaudited, in thousands, except per unit data) |
Six Months Ended
June 30, |
Six Months Ended
June 30, |
2011 | 2010 | % | 2011 | 2010 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Natural gas, NGL and oil sales components: | |||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas sales | $ | 229,583 | $ | 218,527 | $ | 263,043 | $ | 286,693 | |||||||||||||
NGL sales | 117,073 | 55,426 | 127,243 | 68,499 | |||||||||||||||||
Oil sales | 83,011 | 67,318 | 83,809 | 68,797 | |||||||||||||||||
Cash-settled hedges (effective): | |||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas | 47,660 | 19,532 | 56,266 | 19,532 | |||||||||||||||||
Crude oil | - | 23 | - | 23 | |||||||||||||||||
Early cash-settled natural gas hedges sold with Barnett sale | 6,241 | - | 6,241 | - | |||||||||||||||||
Total natural gas, NGL and oil sales, as reported | $ | 483,568 | $ | 360,826 | 34 | % | $ | 536,602 | $ | 443,544 | 21 | % | |||||||||
Derivative fair value income (loss) components: | |||||||||||||||||||||
Cash-settled derivatives (ineffective): | |||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas | $ | 5,612 | $ | 6,699 | $ | 5,612 | $ | 6,699 | |||||||||||||
Crude oil | (8,012 | ) | - | (8,012 | ) | - | |||||||||||||||
Change in mark-to-market on unrealized derivatives | 8,103 | 42,169 | 8,103 | 42,169 | |||||||||||||||||
Unrealized ineffectiveness | 6,502 | 11 | 6,502 | 11 | |||||||||||||||||
Total derivative fair value income (loss), as reported | $ | 12,205 | $ | 48,879 | $ | 12,205 | $ | 48,879 | |||||||||||||
Natural gas, NGL and oil sales, including all cash-settled derivatives: | |||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas sales | $ | 289,096 | $ | 244,758 | $ | 331,162 | $ | 312,924 | |||||||||||||
NGL sales | 117,073 | 55,426 | 127,243 | 68,499 | |||||||||||||||||
Oil sales | 74,999 | 67,341 | 75,797 | 68,820 | |||||||||||||||||
Total | $ | 481,168 | $ | 367,525 | 31 | % | $ | 534,202 | $ | 450,243 | 19 | % | |||||||||
Production during the period (a): | |||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas (mcf) | 62,616,994 | 49,798,399 | 26 | % | 74,061,424 | 68,502,246 | 8 | % | |||||||||||||
NGL (bbl) | 2,368,068 | 1,339,199 | 77 | % | 2,595,671 | 1,709,355 | 52 | % | |||||||||||||
Oil (bbl) | 939,094 | 979,658 | -4 | % | 947,724 | 999,420 | -5 | % | |||||||||||||
Gas equivalent (mcfe) (b) | 82,459,960 | 63,711,541 | 29 | % | 95,321,795 | 84,754,896 | 12 | % | |||||||||||||
Production – average per day (a): | |||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas (mcf) | 345,950 | 275,129 | 26 | % | 409,179 | 378,465 | 8 | % | |||||||||||||
NGL (bbl) | 13,083 | 7,399 | 77 | % | 14,341 | 9,444 | 52 | % | |||||||||||||
Oil (bbl) | 5,188 | 5,412 | -4 | % | 5,236 | 5,522 | -5 | % | |||||||||||||
Gas equivalent (mcfe) (b) | 455,580 | 351,997 | 29 | % | 526,640 | 468,259 | 12 | % | |||||||||||||
Average prices realized, including cash-settled derivatives and early cash-settled hedges for Barnett: | |||||||||||||||||||||
Natural gas (mcf) | $ | 4.62 | $ | 4.91 | -6 | % | $ | 4.47 | $ | 4.57 | -2 | % | |||||||||
NGL (bbl) | $ | 49.44 | $ | 41.39 | 19 | % | $ | 49.02 | $ | 40.07 | 22 | % | |||||||||
Oil (bbl) (c) | $ | 79.86 | $ | 68.74 | 16 | % | $ | 79.98 | $ | 68.86 | 16 | % | |||||||||
Gas equivalent (mcfe) (b) | $ | 5.84 | $ | 5.77 | 1 | % | $ | 5.60 | $ | 5.31 | 5 | % | |||||||||
Direct operating cash costs per mcfe (c): | |||||||||||||||||||||
Field expenses | $ | 0.67 | $ | 0.63 | 6 | % | $ | 0.69 | $ | 0.67 | 3 | % | |||||||||
Workovers | 0.01 | 0.03 | -67 | % | 0.01 | 0.03 | -67 | % | |||||||||||||
Total direct operating cash costs | $ | 0.68 | $ | 0.66 | 3 | % | $ | 0.70 | $ | 0.70 | 0 | % |
(a) | Represents volumes sold regardless of when produced. | |
(b) | Oil and NGLs are converted to mcfe at a rate of one barrel equals six mcf based upon the approximate relative energy content of oil and natural gas, which is not necessarily indicative of the relationship of oil and natural gas prices. | |
(c) | Excludes non-cash stock compensation. | |
(Unaudited, in thousands, except per share data) |
Three Months Ended
June 30, |
Six Months Ended
June 30, |
2011 | 2010 | % | 2011 | 2010 | % | ||||||||||||||||||
Income from continuing operations before income taxes,
as reported |
$ | 78,479 | $ | 29,409 | 167 | % | $ | 25,151 | $ | 156,127 | -84 | % | |||||||||||
Adjustment for certain items: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Gain) loss on sale of properties | 1,622 | (10,176 | ) | 1,483 | (78,089 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Barnett discontinued operations less gain on sale | 4,691 | (10,072 | ) | 17,672 | (5,245 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Change in mark-to-market on unrealized derivatives (gain) loss | (48,139 | ) | 4,409 | (8,103 | ) | (42,169 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Unrealized derivative (gain) loss | (5,934 | ) | (260 | ) | (6,502 | ) | (11 | ) | |||||||||||||||
Abandonment and impairment of unproved properties | 18,900 | 9,727 | 35,437 | 16,278 | |||||||||||||||||||
Loss on early extinguishment of debt | 18,580 | - | 18,580 | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Proved property impairment | - | - | - | 6,505 | |||||||||||||||||||
Termination costs | - | - | - | 7,938 | |||||||||||||||||||
Lawsuit settlements | 70 | 2,566 | 70 | 2,566 | |||||||||||||||||||
Transportation and gathering – non-cash stock compensation | 342 | 309 | 732 | 643 | |||||||||||||||||||
Direct operating – non-cash stock compensation | 643 | 563 | 953 | 925 | |||||||||||||||||||
Exploration expenses – non-cash stock compensation | 937 | 1,072 | 2,266 | 2,208 | |||||||||||||||||||
General & administrative – non-cash stock compensation | 11,467 | 10,738 | 18,997 | 18,580 | |||||||||||||||||||
Deferred compensation plan – non-cash stock compensation | (5,778 | ) | (14,135 | ) | 24,852 | (19,847 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Income from operations before income taxes, as adjusted | 75,880 | 24,150 | 214 | % | 131,588 | 66,409 | 98 | % | |||||||||||||||
Income tax expense, as adjusted | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Current | 8 | - | 8 | - | |||||||||||||||||||
Deferred | 32,635 | 10,051 | 53,121 | 26,387 | |||||||||||||||||||
Net income excluding certain items, a non-GAAP measure | $ | 43,237 | $ | 14,099 | 207 | % | $ | 78,459 | $ | 40,022 | 96 | % | |||||||||||
Non-GAAP income per common share | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Basic |
$ | 0.27 | $ | 0.09 | 200 | % | $ | 0.50 | $ | 0.26 | 92 | % | |||||||||||
Diluted | $ | 0.27 | $ | 0.09 | 200 | % | $ | 0.49 | $ | 0.25 | 96 | % | |||||||||||
Non-GAAP diluted shares outstanding, if dilutive | 158,833 | 158,472 | 0 | % | 158,729 | 158,601 | 0 | % | |||||||||||||||
(Unaudited) |
Daily Volume | Hedge Price | Premium (Paid) / Received | ||||
Gas (Mmbtu) | ||||||
2Q 2011 Collars | 347,870 | $5.48 - $6.36 | ($0.37) | |||
3Q 2011 Collars | 318,200 | $5.43 - $6.29 | ($0.40) | |||
4Q 2011 Collars | 348,200 | $5.33 - $6.18 | ($0.37) | |||
2012 Swaps | 70,000 | $5.00 | ($0.04) | |||
2012 Collars | 189,641 | $5.32 - $5.91 | ($0.28) | |||
2013 Collars | 160,000 | $5.09 - $5.65 | -- | |||
Oil (Bbls) | ||||||
2Q 2011 Calls | 5,500 | $80.00 | $10.37 | |||
3Q 2011 Calls | 5,500 | $80.00 | $10.37 | |||
4Q 2011 Calls | 5,500 | $80.00 | $10.37 | |||
2012 Collars | 2,000 | $70.00 - $80.00 | $7.50 | |||
2012 Calls | 4,700 | $85.00 | $13.71 | |||
NGL (Bbls) | ||||||
3Q 2011 Swaps | 7,000 | $104.17 | -- | |||
4Q 2011 Swaps | 7,000 | $104.17 | -- | |||
2012 Swaps | 5,000 | $102.59 | -- | |||

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