Vienna, 20 February 2018
Notice according to section 135 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018 (BörseG 2018)
BUWOG AG: Change in stake of voting rights of Syquant Capital
Syquant Capital notified on 20 February 2018 pursuant to section 130 et seq. Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018 that Syquant Capital and its controlled undertakings crossed a reporting threshold on 20 February 2018 and have a relevant interest in 5,676,766 shares of BUWOG AG or 5.06% of the voting rights of BUWOG AG.
The interest of Syquant Capital* is shown below:
Voting rights attached to shares:
Class/Typ of Shares: Ordinary Shares AT00BUWOG001
Number of voting rights: 5,676,644 (direct, section 130 Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018)
% of voting rights: 5.06% (direct, section 130 Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018)
Financial/Other Instruments pursuant to section 131 para 1 No. 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018:
Type of instrument: CFD
Expiration Date: N/A
Exercise Period: N/A
Settlement (physical/cash): Cash
Number of voting rights: 122
% of voting rights: 0.00%
Pursuant to the previous notification, Syquant Capital had a relevant interest in 4.10% of the voting rights of BUWOG AG (4.10% of voting rights attached to BUWOG-shares and 0.00% of voting rights through financial instruments).
* The full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial/other instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity is shown below:
1. Syquant Capital
Shares held directly (%): none
Financial/other instruments held directly (%): none
Total of both (%): none
2. Helium Fund (directly controlled by No. 1)
Shares held directly (%): 0.59%
Financial/other instruments held directly (%): none
Total of both (%): 0.59%
3. Helium Opportunités (directly controlled by No. 1)
Shares held directly (%): 0.78%
Financial/other instruments held directly (%): none
Total of both (%): 0.78%
4. Helium Performance (directly controlled by No. 1)
Shares held directly (%): 2.70%
Financial/other instruments held directly (%): none
Total of both (%): 2.70%
5. Helium Selection (directly controlled by No. 1)
Shares held directly (%): 0.99%
Financial/other instruments held directly (%): none
Total of both (%): 0.99%
Holger Lueth
Managing Director Corporate Finance & Investor Relations
T +43-1-878 28 1203![img]()
F +43-1-878 28 5203![img]()
Thomas Brey
BUWOG-Press Office Austria
c/o M&B PR, Marketing, Publikationen GmbH
Tel.: +43-1-233 01 23-15![img]()
Michael Divé
Tel.: +49 1590 4621 993![img]()