03.05.2018 07:02:21

BOURBON: 1st Quarter 2018 Financial information

Marseilles, May 3, 2018

BOURBON 1st Quarter 2018 financial information

Adjusted revenue for the 1st quarter 2018 amounted to €171 million (consolidated revenue was €157.6 million), down 13.2% compared to the 4th quarter 2017, impacted by the reduced activity in Subsea Services

  • The 1st quarter 2018 reflected a challenging Offshore services market, mainly impacted by deteriorated conditions in Subsea and Shallow water offshore. However, average utilization rates in Marine & Logistics improved, in particular in Deepwater offshore (+3.9 points compared to the 4th quarter 2017 and +4.2 points compared to the 1st quarter 2017).
  • Although still affected by the overcapacity in Supply vessels, average daily rates stabilized.
  • In the Subsea activity, business remained weak for vessels servicing contractors' construction work, leading to a sharp decline in average utilization rates (-17.7 points compared to the 4th quarter 2017).  
  • Weakening of the US Dollar against euro weighed on this quarter revenue.
  Q1 2018 Q4 2017 Var
Q1 / Q4
Q1 2017  
  Financial performance (in € millions)          
  Adjusteda revenues 171.0 196.9 -13.2% 225.5  
  (change at constant rates)     -7.3%    
  Bourbon Marine & Logistics 92.4 100.1 -7.7% 105.9  
  Bourbon Mobility 48.2 51.0 -5.5% 58.9  
  Bourbon Subsea Services 27.2 43.6 -37.6% 56.6  
  Other 3.1 2.1 +47.0% 4.1  
  IFRS 11 impact* (13.3) (15.3)   (20.6)  
  Consolidated revenues 157.6 181.6 -13.2% 204.9  
  Operational indicators          
  Number of vessels (End of period)** 506 508 -2 vessels 514  
  Average utilization rate 53.0% 53.7% -0.7 pt 54.5%  
  Average daily rates (in US$/day) 8,179 8,299 -1.4% 8,769  
* Effect of consolidation of jointly controlled companies using the equity method.

** Vessels operated by Bourbon (including vessels owned or on bareboat charter).




"In an Offshore services market that has been impacted over the long-term by vessel overcapacity, utilization rates in both Deepwater offshore and Shallow water offshore are now heading in the right direction and prices stabilizing. The Subsea business is being hampered by the weakness in the contractors' activity and a reduced number of turnkey projects", declared Gaël Bodénès, Chief Executive Officer of BOURBON Corporation. "The rollout of our strategic action plan #BOURBONINMOTION is underway and we are thus positioning ourselves optimally to benefit from the market upturn under the best competitive conditions."

(a) Adjusted data:
The adjusted financial information is presented by activity and by segment based on the internal reporting system and shows internal segment information used by the principal operating decision maker to manage and measure the performance of BOURBON (IFRS 8). The internal reporting (and thus the adjusted financial information) records the performance of operational joint ventures on which the group has joint control using the full integration method. Adjusted comparative figures are restated accordingly. Furthermore, internal reporting (and again the adjusted financial information) does not take into account IAS 29 (Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies), applicable for the first time in 2017 (retroactively from January,1) to an operational joint venture in Angola.

BOURBON MARINE & logisctics

Q1 2018 Q4 2017 Var
Q1 / Q4
Q1 2017
Financial performance        
Adjusted revenues  (in €M) 92.4 100.1 -7.7% 105.9
(change at constant rates)     -0.7%  
Deepwater offshore vessels 57.4 60.0 -4.3% 68.8
Shallow water offshore vessels 35.0 40.2 -12.8% 37.1
Operational indicators        
Number of vessels (end of period)* 216 217 -1 222
Average utilization rate


52.7% 51.9% +0.8 pt 45.8%
Deepwater offshore vessels 65.2% 61.3% +3.9 pts 61.0%
Shallow water offshore vessels 44.3% 45.6% -1.3 pt 35.6%
Average daily rate (US$/d) 10,911 10,802 +1.0% 12,501
Deepwater offshore vessels 13,577 13,660 -0.6% 15,084
Shallow water offshore vessels 8,292 8,220 +0.9% 9,534

*Vessels operated by BOURBON (including vessels owned or on bareboat charter).


Adjusted revenue in the Marine & Logistics business fell by 7.7% compared to the 4th quarter 2017, chiefly impacted by the dollar's weakening. At constant rates, the decline is contained at -0.7%.  

Although continuing to be affected by vessel overcapacity, daily rates remain low but are stabilizing. In Shallow water offshore in particular, these rates are not facilitating the recommissioning of vessels.

Average utilization rate remain stable in this market (+0.8 points compared to the previous quarter). In Deepwater offshore, average utilization rates have increased by nearly 4 points compared to the previous quarter, driven by the resumption of drilling activities and the recovery of the Asian market.


Q1 2018 Q4 2017 Var
Q1 / Q4
Q1 2017
Financial performance        
Adjusted revenues (in €M) 48.2 51.0 -5.5% 58.9
(change at constant rates)     -0.2%  
Operational indicators        
Number of vessels (end of period)* 269 269 - 269
Average utilization rate 54.4% 55.0% -0.6 pt 61.4%
Average daily rate (US$/d) 4,549 4,422 +2.9% 4,270

*Vessels operated by BOURBON (including vessels owned or on bareboat charter).

Adjusted revenue for the 1st quarter fell 5.5% compared to the previous quarter, significantly impacted by the dollar's drop (-0.2% at constant rates). Average utilization rate (54.4 %) keeps resisting compared to the previous quarter, reflecting a market that seems to stabilize.

Average daily rates held up well, showing a steady rise since the 1st quarter 2017, sign of a mix effect of the reactivation of large "Crewliner"-type vessels (long-distance transport) and FSIVs. This resistance in prices also reveals a rise in demand for "Crewliner"-type vessels and recovery in the "spot" market for "interfield" vessels (daily transport of equipment and personnel between fields). The decline in the use of helicopters seems to be confirmed.

BOURBON Subsea Services

Q1 2018 Q4 2017 Var
Q1 / Q4
Q1 2017
Financial performance        
Adjusted revenues (in €M) 27.2 43.6 -37.6% 56.6
(change at constant rates)     -33.0%  
Operational indicators        
Number of vessels (end of period)* 21.0 22.0 -1 22.0
Average utilization rate 39.0% 56.7% -17.7 pts 57.5%
Average daily rate (US$/d) 34,933 31,425 +11.2% 37,488

               *Vessels operated by BOURBON (including vessels owned or on bareboat charter).

This 1st quarter 2018 remains marked by the weakness in activity for vessels servicing contractors' construction work, which could last throughout the year.

New contracts in West Africa have been slow to get off the ground, leading to a 17.7 points decrease in the average utilization rate compared to the previous quarter. Recovery in the Asian market has been sluggish, but should prove more dynamic in the 2nd quarter, as for the Middle East.

Turnkey projects activity is still low this quarter compared to the 1st quarter 2017, also affecting revenue.


Q1 2018 Q4 2017 Var
Q1 / Q4
Q1 2017
Financial performance        
Adjusted revenues (in €M) 3.1 2.1 +47.0% 4.1

Activities included are those that do not fit into either Marine & Logistics, Mobility or Subsea Services. The majority of the total represents earnings from miscellaneous ship management activities.


While investments notably in onshore projects clearly seem to have resumed, investment growth in the offshore sector is expected to be very gradual in 2019. Prices will be held down by vessel overcapacity in the PSV and AHTS segments.  

Clients now concentrate on short term and quick Return on investment's projects but launch exploration campaigns to renew their reserve and therefore face the growing demand.

In this context, BOURBON concentrates its efforts on cash preservation and costs reduction.  

In order to benefit from the announced upturn, BOURBON deploys its action plan #BOURBONINMOTION to steer its business model towards more integrated services, capitalize on digital revolution to connect its fleet and make its new organization more agile and decentralized.



BOURBON has initiated discussions with its main financial partners, both in France and abroad, in order to balance the servicing of its debt with the expected gradual market recovery and the corresponding upturn in the group's performance. As a consequence, a general waiver should be finalized with BOURBON's leasers and debt holders in order to allow the group to withhold all payments.
In this context, the group has suspended servicing both its leases and debt commitments, during the negotiation period. This allows BOURBON to focus on its operational priorities and market turnaround and should encourage all parties to make negotiations as short as possible.

The general meeting of the Bondholders held on April 20 has authorized BOURBON to postpone this interest payment for an approximate amount of €3.9 million by one year (payment initially due on April 24, 2018).

The company is confident in its ability to find before year end a balanced solution with all its lenders - often long-standing partners - that suits all parties and allows the company to adapt its financing to its future development.


BOURBON's results will continue to be influenced by the €/US$ exchange rate.


Combined General Shareholders' Meeting May 30, 2018
2018 1st Half Results press release and presentation September 6, 2018
2018 3rd Quarter Financial Information press release November 8, 2018



Quarterly adjusted revenue breakdown

In € millions   2018   2017
  Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Bourbon Marine & Logistics   92.4   100.2 97 .7 107.4 105.9
Deepwater offshore vessels   57.4   60.0 59.9 68.3 68.8
Shallow water offshore vessels   35.0   40.2 37.8 39.1 37.1
Bourbon Mobility   48.2   51.0 51.4 55.0 58.9
Subsea Services 27.2   43.6 52.1 67.8 56.6
Other   3.1   2.1 3.0 3.8 4.1
Total adjusted revenues   171.0   196.9 204.3 234.0 225.5
IFRS 11 impact*   (13.3)   (15.3) (11.9) (19.2) (20.6)
TOTAL CONSOLIDATED   157.6   181.6 192.4 214.7 204.9

       * Effect of consolidation of joint ventures using the equity method.

Quarterly average utilization rates for the offshore fleet in operation

In %



Bourbon Marine & Logistics


Deepwater offshore vessels

Shallow water offshore vessels

Bourbon Mobility

Subsea Services


Average utilization rate




Quarterly average utilization rates for the offshore fleet

In %



Bourbon Marine & Logistics

52,7 53,6 52.7 52,7 54,3
65,2 61,3 62,2 60,3 61,0
44,3 45,6 42,1 40,0 35,6
54,4 55,0 55,1 56,4 61,4
39,0 56,7 63,4 65,7 57,5
53,0 53,7 53,4 53,3 54,5

Deepwater offshore vessels
Shallow water offshore vessels
Bourbon Mobility
Subsea Services

Average utilization rate


Quarterly average daily rates for the offshore fleet

In US$/day   2018   2017
  Q1   Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Bourbon Marine & Logistics   10,911   10,802 11,082 11,830 12,501
Deepwater offshore vessels   13,577   13,660 13,781 14,863 15,084
Shallow water offshore vessels   8,292   8,220 8,371 8,749 9,534
Bourbon Mobility   4,549   4,422 4,453 4,393 4,270
Bourbon Subsea Services   34,933   31,425 34,304 37,976 37,488
Average daily rate   12,515   12,844 13,685 14,955 15,267

Quarterly number of vessels (end of period)

In number of vessels*   2018   2017
  Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Bourbon Marine & Logistics   216   217 220 221 222
Deepwater offshore vessels   87  

86 89 89 89
Shallow water offshore vessels 129 131 131 132 133
Bourbon Mobility 269 269 269 269 269
Bourbon Subsea Services   21   22 22 22 22
FLEET TOTAL   506   508 511 512 514

        * Vessels operated by BOURBON (including vessels owned or on bareboat charter).

Breakdown of BOURBON adjusted revenues by geographical region

In € millions   2018   2017
  Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Africa   99.9   113.4 118.9 135.3 130.1
Europe & Mediterranean/Middle East   26.2   31.6 31.1 31.6 28.8
Americas   27.0   32.3 36.0 38.1 41.3
Asia   17.9   19.7 18.3 29.0 25.3



Other key indicators

    2018   2017
  Q1   Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Average €/US$ exchange rate for the quarter (in €)   1.23   1.18 1.17 1.10 1.06
€/US$ exchange rate at closing (in €)   1.23   1.20 1.18 1.14 1.07
Average price of Brent for the quarter (in US$/bbl)   67   61 55 51 54


Among the market leaders in marine services for offshore oil & gas, BOURBON offers the most demanding oil & gas companies a wide range of marine services, both surface and sub-surface, for offshore oil & gas fields and wind farms. These extensive services rely on a broad range of the latest-generation vessels and the expertise of almost 8,400 skilled employees. Through its 29 operating subsidiaries the group provides local services as close as possible to customers and their operations throughout the world, of the highest standards of service and safety.

BOURBON provides three operating activities (Marine & Logistics, Mobility and Subsea Services) and also protects the French coastline for the French Navy.

In 2017, BOURBON'S revenue came to €860.6 million and the company operated a fleet of 508 vessels.

Placed by ICB (Industry Classification Benchmark) in the "Oil Services" sector, BOURBON is listed on the Euronext Paris, Compartment B.


BOURBON Media relations agency
Publicis Consultants
Investor Relations, analysts,
Vilizara Lazarova
+33 140 138 607   +33 144 824 634  
investor-relations@bourbon-online.com vilizara.lazarova@consultants.publicis.fr
Corporate Communication  
Christelle Loisel  
+33 491 136 732  



This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: BOURBON via Globenewswire

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