21.02.2025 07:00:00

AS Ekspress Grupp: Consolidated unaudited interim report for Q4 and 12 months of 2024

The revenue of AS Ekspress Grupp for the 4th quarter of 2024 increased by 10% year-over-year to EUR 23.5 million and EBITDA increased by 23% to EUR 5.2 million. The revenue for the 12 months of 2024 increased by 4% to EUR 76.2 million and EBITDA increased by 4% to EUR 10.7 million. At the same time, digital revenue increased by 9% and as a result, the share of digital revenue made up 86% of the Group’s total revenue in 2024. This exceeds the 85% target set for the share of digital revenue by the year 2026.

The digital subscription revenue and the number of subscribers of the Group’s media companies increased strongly year-over-year in all three countries.  In a year, the Group received nearly 31 000 new digital subscriptions (+15%) in the Baltic States, totalling 238 000 subscriptions at the end of December 2024. The Group’s digital revenue is thus increasingly based on digital subscription revenue and it makes up an increasingly larger recurring revenue base without the need for additional sales activity (and costs). We have enhanced the quality and volume of content offered by the Group’s media companies in order to be the leader in the digital subscription field in all Baltic States. The Group is gradually moving towards its financial strategic goals and wishes to offer paid digital content to at least 340 000 subscribers by the year 2026.

The Group was also successful outside traditional media activities.  The revenue of ticket sales platforms increased by 21% in a year, growing especially strongly in the Latvian market. The outdoor screen business also demonstrated significant 26% growth supported by the extension of the network to 156 screens. With this, the Group has increased its presence in the Latvian market, where the number of screens increased from 98 to 109 in a year, while there are 47 screens in Estonia. These two areas have shown resilience also in the conditions of slower economic growth.

Successful sales of online advertising and digital subscriptions, and the volume growth of ticket sales platforms and digital outdoor screens have also helped to increase profitability. The net profit for the 4th quarter of 2024 totalled EUR 3.1 million which is EUR 0.6 million (25%) higher than last higher. This is slightly faster than the EBITDA’s 23% growth rate. At the same time, the Group’s net profit for 12 months totalled EUR 3.3 million which is EUR 0.1 million (-3%) lower as compared to last year, although EBITDA increased by 4%. The decrease in the 12-month net profit was mainly influenced by higher interest rates due to the increase in Euribor and higher depreciation expenses related to the Group's investments.

In 2024, the Group continued to create value for its shareholders, paying out 1.85 million or 55% of the profit for the 2023 (6 euro cents per share) as dividends. This significantly exceeds the Group's minimum 30% dividend payout ratio. Despite active investments and dividend payments, the Group's liquidity position remained strong – at the end of 2024, the Group had available cash in the amount of EUR 9.0 million (2023: EUR 9.6 million). The Management Board considers it important to maintain liquidity reserves both for potential new acquisitions and for situations related to further cooling of the economy.

In 2024, Ekspress Grupp significantly expanded its activities in the conference business, making two important acquisitions. In July, Delfi Meedia acquired the business of Eesti Koolitus- ja Konverentsikeskus (the Estonian Training and Conference Centre) and in December, the Lithuanian subsidiary UAB Delfi acquired the conference company Kenton Baltic. These acquisitions support the Group's strategic goal of developing the conference business as a new revenue area that complements existing media activities and enables to find new synergies. By its nature, the conference business is content creation business and thus is a good match for the portfolio of Ekspress Grupp. The content produced at conferences can successfully be enhanced through the Group’s strong media outlets. In addition, this field of activity strengthens the position of Delfi’s brand among business customers and creates opportunities for new business relations and revenue.

The year 2024 led to significant changes in the governance of the Group and its subsidiaries. Erik Heinsaar started as the CEO of Delfi Meedia, the largest subsidiary of the Group. He previously successfully managed Õhtuleht Kirjastus. Heinsaar took over the company from the current CEO Argo Virkebau. The editor-in-chief of Õhtuleht, Martin Šmutov, became the Chairman of the Management Board of Õhtuleht Kirjastus. On 2 January 2025, Janis Grivinš who has more than 15 years of management experience in the field of media, digital marketing and technology, became the Chairman of the Management Bord of Delfi Latvia. On 30 January 2025, Lili Kirikal, who previously worked as a transaction advisor in audit companies and as the CFO of Sunly AS, became a new member of the Management Board and the CFO of the Group.

The economic environment of the Baltic States was difficult in the first nine months of 2024. It was characterised by low consumer confidence, conservative investment policies of businesses and changing tax policies of countries. This put pressure on both advertising revenue and subscriptions. However, under these conditions, the Group has been able to grow its digital revenue base and to maintain profitability. The challenges of the beginning of year included the high level of Euribor, which increased finance costs, and the overall slowdown in economic growth in the Baltic States. The Group had been prepared for these challenges, keeping a strong liquidity position and successfully focusing on digital revenue.

The Management Board is going to make a dividend distribution proposal from the net profit for 2024 together with the announcement of the convening of the General Meeting of Shareholders and in its proposal, will adhere to the previously approved dividend policy. The Group pays at least 30% of previous year's net profit out as dividends, provided that there are sufficient funds for core activities and making new strategic investments.



In the 4th quarter of 2024, the consolidated revenue totalled EUR 23.5 million (Q4 2023: EUR 21.3 million). The revenue for the 4th quarter increased by 10% year-over-year. The consolidated revenue for the 12 months of 2024 totalled EUR 76.2 million (12 months 2023: EUR 73.1 million). The revenue for the 12 months of the year increased by 4% as compared to the previous year. The growth is primarily attributable to the increase in digital subscription revenue as well as increase in the volume of ticket sales platforms and digital outdoor screens. The share of the Group’s digital revenue in total revenue was 86% in the 12 months of 2024 (12 months 2023: 83% of total revenue). Digital revenue for the 12 months of 2024 increased by 9% as compared to the same period last year.


In the 4th quarter of 2024, the consolidated EBITDA totalled EUR 5.2 million (Q4 2023: EUR 4.2 million). EBITDA increased by 23% as compared to last year and the EBITDA margin was 22% (Q4 2023: 20%). The profitability received a boost from the successful sale of online advertising and digital subscriptions as well as the increase in the volume of ticket sales platforms and digital outdoor screens. In the 12 months of 2024, the consolidated EBITDA totalled EUR 10.7 million (12 months 2023: EUR 10.2 million). EBITDA increased by 4% as compared to last year and the EBITDA margin was 14% (12 months 2023: 14%).

The consolidated net profit for the 4th quarter of 2024 totalled EUR 3.1 million (Q4 2023: EUR 2.5 million), increasing by 25%. The consolidated net profit for the 12 months of 2024 totalled EUR 3.3 million (12 months 2023: EUR 3.4 million), decreasing by -3%. The decrease in 12 months net profit is primarily related to higher interest rates due to the increase in Euribor rates at the beginning of the year and higher depreciation expenses arising from the Group’s investments.


In the 12 months of 2024, the cost of goods sold, marketing, and general and administrative costs totalled EUR 72.1 million (12 months 2023: EUR 67.4 million). Operating expenses increased by EUR 4.7 million (+7%) as compared to the same period last year. Labour costs increased the most, by EUR 1.2 million (+3%).


At the end of the reporting period, the Group had available cash in the amount of EUR 9.0 million and equity in the amount of EUR 58.4 million (51% of total assets). The comparable data as of 31 December 2023 were EUR 9.6 million and 56.5 million (53% of total assets), respectively. As of 31 December 2024, the Group’s net debt totalled EUR 13.1 million (31 December 2023: EUR 10.6 million).

In the 12 months of 2024, the Group’s cash flows from operating activities totalled EUR 10.2 million (12 months 2023: EUR 12.2 million).

In the 12 months of 2024, the Group’s cash flows from investing activities totalled EUR -9.4 million (12 months 2023: EUR -3.9 million), of which EUR -4.6 million was related to the development and acquisition of tangible and intangible assets, demonstrating higher investments in products and technologies.

In the 12 months of 2024, the Group’s cash flows from financing activities totalled EUR -1.4 million, of which EUR -1.8 million is the dividend payment to the shareholders of AS Ekspress Grupp (12 months 2023: EUR -6.2 million, of which EUR -1.0 million is the share buy-back and EUR -1.5 million is the dividend payment to the shareholders of AS Ekspress Grupp). The financing activities also include the net change in borrowings in the amount of EUR 2.2 million and lease liabilities in the amount of EUR -2.3 million.


At the regular general meeting of shareholders of AS Ekspress Grupp held on 3 May 2024, it was decided to pay a dividend of 6 euro cents per share in the total amount of EUR 1.8 million. Dividends were paid to shareholders on 22 May 2024.


Key financial indicators for segments

(EUR thousand)Sales
 Q4 2024Q4 2023Change %12 months 202412 months 2023Change %
Media segment23 47921 27610%76 07173 3654%
 advertising revenue12 91911 8569%42 23442 0740%
subscriptions (incl. single-copy sales)5 3685 1325%20 45719 0168%
marketplaces1 5531 33516%4 1573 43421%
outdoor screens1 3271 18112%4 4453 53026%
sale of other goods and services2 3111 77330%4 7785 311-10%
Corporate functions20416722%7522 642-72%
Inter-segment eliminations(169)(131) (653)(2 920) 
TOTAL GROUP23 51321 31310%76 17073 0864%
 incl. revenue from all digital channels19 55417 51812%65 78660 4609%
 % of revenue from all digital channels83%82% 86%83% 

(EUR thousand)EBITDA
 Q4 2024Q4 2023Change %12 months 202412 months 2023Change %
Media segment5 6884 72120%12 36411 6956%
Corporate functions(478)(500)4%(1 699)(1 477)-15%
Inter-segment eliminations13 11(1) 
TOTAL GROUP5 2114 22523%10 67710 2174%

EBITDA marginQ4 2024Q4 202312 months 202412 months 2023
Media segment24%22%16%16%
TOTAL GROUP22%20%14%14%

Consolidated statement of financial position (unaudited)

(EUR thousand)31.12.202431.12.2023
Current assets  
Cash and cash equivalents8 9719 606
Trade and other receivables14 39413 143
Corporate income tax prepayment17024
Total current assets23 90823 094
Non-current assets  
Other receivables and investments1 7751 628
Deferred tax asset71130
Investments in joint ventures872851
Investments in associates2 4642 197
Property, plant and equipment10 83410 384
Intangible assets74 11267 482
Total non-current assets90 12882 672
TOTAL ASSETS114 036105 766
Current liabilities  
Borrowings5 3094 353
Trade and other payables27 01423 046
Corporate income tax payable3639
Total current liabilities 32 35927 438
Non-current liabilities   
Long-term borrowings23 23221 765
Other long-term liabilities522
Total non-current liabilities23 23721 787
Share capital18 57618 478
Share premium14 29514 277
Treasury shares(5)(1 057)
Reserves2 3642 285
Retained earnings23 21022 558
TOTAL EQUITY 58 44056 541

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income (unaudited)

(EUR thousand)Q4 2024Q4 202312 months 202412 months 2023
Sales23 51321 31376 17073 086
Cost of sales(16 356)(14 915)(58 209)(55 046)
Gross profit7 1566 39817 96118 040
Other income261234959581
Marketing expenses(1 049)(792)(3 369)(2 803)
Administrative expenses (2 679)(2 402)(10 530)(9 582)
Other expenses(30)(475)(164)(737)
Operating profit /(loss)3 6602 9624 8575 499
Interest income332911760
Interest expenses(451)(439)(1 836)(1 499)
Other finance income/(costs)(19)(20)(58)(55)
Net finance cost(438)(431)(1 777)(1 494)
Profit/(loss) on shares of joint ventures7565318(661)
Profit/(loss) on shares of associates4844471239
Profit /(loss) before income tax3 3452 6403 8693 583
Income tax expense(201)(119)(617)(232)
Net profit /(loss) for the reporting period3 1452 5213 2523 351
Net profit /(loss) for the reporting period attributable to
Equity holders of the parent company 3 1452 5213 2523 349
Minority interest0002
Total comprehensive income /(loss)3 1452 5213 2523 351
Comprehensive income /(loss) for the reporting period attributable to
Equity holders of the parent company 3 1452 5213 2523 349
Minority interest0002
Earnings per share (euro)
Basic earnings per share0.10160.08370.10580.1113
Diluted earnings per share0.10160.08130.10580.1081

Consolidated cash flow statement (unaudited)

(EUR thousand)12 months 202412 months 2023
Cash flows from operating activities  
Operating profit /(loss) for the reporting year4 8575 499
Adjustments for (non-cash):  
Depreciation and amortisation5 8234 719
(Gain)/loss on sale, write-down and impairment of property, plant and equipment33387
Change in value of share option026
Cash flows from operating activities:  
Trade and other receivables(1 281)(1 539)
Trade and other payables 3 3904 921
Income tax paid(707)(263)
Interest paid(1 875)(1 476)
Net cash generated from operating activities 10 18812 239
Cash flows from investing activities  
Acquisition of subsidiaries/ associates (less cash acquired) and other investments /sale/
cash paid-in equity-accounted investees
(5 246)(1 469)
Receipts of other investments013
Interest received11528
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets(4 619)(3 391)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets3275
Loans granted(12)0
Loan repayments received48
Dividends received379674
Net cash used in investing activities (9 376)(3 862)
Cash flows from financing activities  
Dividends paid(1 848)(1 488)
Payment of lease liabilities (2 315)(2 004)
Proceeds from borrowings4 6400
Repayments of bank loans(2 419)(1 727)
Proceeds from share issuance980
Proceeds from sale of treasury shares3970
Purchases of treasury shares0(1 000)
Net cash used in financing activities (1 447)(6 219)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period9 6067 448
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period8 9719 606

Lili Kirikal
AS Ekspress Grupp
E-mail address: lili.kirikal@egrupp.ee

AS Ekspress Grupp is the leading Baltic media group whose key activities include web media content production, and publishing of newspapers, magazines and books. The Group also operates an electronic ticket sales platform and ticket sales offices in Estonia and Latvia. Ekspress Grupp launched its operations in 1989 and employs almost 1100 people.


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