23.09.2019 23:12:00
ProfNet Expert Alerts Available on Navigating Challenging Situations, Using PR as a Means to an End, Ignite Your Diversity and Inclusion Leadership, and more
NEW YORK, Sept. 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network who are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area.
You can also submit a query to the hundreds of thousands of experts in our network – it's easy and free. Just fill out the query form to get started: http://prn.to/queryform
- Navigating Challenging Situations
- Using PR as a Means to an End
- Ignite Your Diversity and Inclusion Leadership
- Estate Planning
- 5 Tips for a More Peaceful Work Life
- Kindness In Organizational Leadership
- Hedge Fund Reporter – The New York Post (NY)
- Editor, San Francisco Technology Bureau – Wall Street Journal (CA)
- Back to the Classroom: AP Style Rules for Education, LGBTQ, Science, & More
- Blog Profiles: Career Networking Blogs
Navigating Challenging Situations
Aviad Goz
Founder and Chairman, both N.E.W.S.® Coaching and Training Sarl and Momentum Group
"Many of us who have undergone a major upheaval shy away from embracing change as a way of life – we lack the tools, skills and mindset to deal with it effectively. To be successful now and in the future, we must learn not just to survive, but to thrive in a constantly changing environment.
Aviad Goz can discuss the specific tools individuals, teams and organizations can use to navigate themselves through challenging situations and changing environments. His programs, including The Compass, provide practical solutions that can be put in place to help them overcome these challenges and lead them toward new heights.
Goz is a global thought leader on the area of "self and organizational navigation; creator of the N.E.W.S. Compass, currently used in over 30 countries; and creator of "Self- Navigation", "Team Navigation" and "Organizational Navigation" programs acclaimed by David Covey, Sir John Whitmore and others. He is also a trainer, facilitator and coach in over 2000 organizations in 50 countries, including many Fortune 500 companies. He is the author of 11 books, including "The Compass: How to Navigate Your Life and Career in Times of Change, "Warriors of Freedom," "The Magician of the Judean Desert," "Self-Navigation:A Compass for Guiding Your Life and Career," and "The Man Who Knew How to Think"
Website: www.newsnavigation.org
Contact: Penny Sansevieri, authorservices@amarketingexpert.com
Using PR as a Means to an End
Drew Gerber
Wasabi Publicity, Inc.
"Like most things, media coverage is a means to an end, not an end in itself. You have to leverage media placements to reach your goals. Use it to attract potential clients and to take your business to the next level. When you get a great placement, let the world know. Share it with your fans, followers and connections, email it to your potential clients, and add it to your website. Nothing builds and establishes your credentials like PR. But in order for PR to do that, people need to know about it."
Drew Gerber, "Nomad CEO" of Wasabi Publicity, is on a mission to change global conversations and challenge industry conventions. He lives to spark "aha" moments, helping people discover new ways of thinking to create positive change. Recognized by PR Week and Good Morning America for its innovative business practices, Wasabi Publicity helps clients expand their impact through top media. A member of Forbes Agency Council, Drew is author of "Destination Aha! Becoming Unstuck in Life and Business." He lives in Budapest, Hungary, and Serbia, where he started an IT training center and employs locals as part of Wasabi's international team. Find Drew at www.WasabiPublicity.com and www.DestinationAha.com.
Online Press Kit: https://drewgerber.onlinepresskit247.com
Websites: www.WasabiPublicity.com, www.DestinationAha.com, and www.PitchRate.com
Contact: Michelle Tennant, michelle@wasabipublicity.com
Ignite Your Diversity and Inclusion Leadership
Dr. Anita Sanchez
Author, transformational leadership consultant
"Whether you are a 'solopreneur' or lead a multi-national business, one of your key roles is to inspire yourself and your team members to deliver and exceed business results based on your organization's values, mission, and purpose. As a leader, you have a choice to lead by focusing on what is wrong or by focusing on what is working. Rather than dedicating unwarranted levels of attention to what has gone wrong, we can use the 80/20 rule to put most of our energy into repeating and building on our best performance. By focusing on consistently doing whatever it was that made our past successes in diversity and inclusion possible, we create a new minimum expectation of high accomplishment upon which new triumphs are built."
Anita Sanchez, Ph.D., Aztec and Mexican-American, is a transformational leadership consultant, speaker, coach and author of the international bestselling book, "The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times," available in paperback, hardcover, e-book, and audiobook from Simon & Schuster. She bridges indigenous teachings with the latest science to inspire and equip women and men to enjoy meaningful, empowered lives and careers. With four decades of experience coaching and training executives and their teams in dozens of Fortune 500 companies, governmental groups and non-governmental agencies, Anita is an established leader in global organizational change initiatives. She is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council with luminaries such as Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson and John Gray, as well as the Association of Transformational Leaders, the Evolutionary Business Council, and serves on the Boards of the Bioneers organization and the Pachamama Alliance. Anita holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Development from the University of Colorado, Denver. She resides in the mountains outside of Boulder, CO with her husband and youngest son. For more information and to download the free song that is based on the book, visit www.FourSacredGifts.com. For information on Anita's diversity training, see consulting website www.SanchezTennis.com.
Online Press Kit: http://anitasanchez.onlinepresskit247.com
Website: www.FourSacredGifts.com and www.SanchezTennis.com
Contact: Klaudia Simon, ibookinterviews@gmail.com
Estate Planning
Holly Geerdes
Atlanta Estate Law Center
Award-Winning Estate Lawyer
"The majority of Georgia residents do not have an estate plan in place, and thus, they are not protecting their legacy and not protecting their loved ones' best interests. Planning for your death can be an uncomfortable proposition, especially if you are very young, but it is vital that these necessary details are attended to before it is too late."
Holly Geerdes is an expert on estate planning, wills and trusts, asset protection and probate.
Website: www.atlantaestatelawcenter.com/
Contact: Rachel Jimenez, rjimenez@trevelinokeller.com
5 Tips for a More Peaceful Work Life
Julie Potiker
Author, Mindfulness Expert
Mindful Methods for Life
"1) Recognize Stress When It's Happening: Allow yourself to recognize when stress is coming up in your body. Name it, and identify what you are feeling and where. For example, "I feel stressed; my neck is tightening up. I feel anxious; my stomach feels upset. I feel agitated; I'm tapping my feet a lot." Naming the emotion and observing where it is occurring physically in your body is one way to use mindfulness to step into awareness and out of the intensity of the emotional state. 2) Observe Yourself Without Judgement: In recognizing how you are feeling, take a moment to look at yourself as you would a dear friend. Observe yourself with kindness and compassion, not judgment. Ask your inner critic to take a back seat while you give yourself the caring you need to get through this moment. 3) Breathe: Practice the pause. Take a slow, deep breath and exhale slowly. Repeat this four or five times. Pay attention to your breath and count the number of breaths. Again, this takes you out of the intensity of your stressful feelings. 4) Give Yourself Reminders: I like to use little colored dot stickers; you can find these at most any office supply store. Place a sticker on your computer, on your work phone, even on your dashboard in your car. When you see the sticker, take that as your cue to take a slow, deep breath. 5) Keep a Here-and-Now Stone On Your Desk: Find any stone that feels good in the palm of your hand. It doesn't need to be fancy; you can find one in your yard, on a walk, or even at an arts and crafts store. Keep this stone on your desk at work and pick it up any time you feel stressed. Really feel the stone in your hands. Focus mindfully on its texture, its temperature, its weight, then look at it and observe its shape and color and any patterns. I like to call this a "here-and-now stone" because it brings you right into the present moment, stopping the loop of discursive thoughts that were stressing you out."
Author and mindfulness expert Julie Potiker is an attorney who began her serious study and investigation of mindfulness after graduating from the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program at the University of California, San Diego. She was trained by Kristin Neff, Christopher Germer and UCSD as a Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher. She went on to study with Rick Hanson, becoming a graduate of his Positive Neuroplasticity Training Professional Course. Potiker also completed Brené Brown's Living Brave Semester. Now, she shares these and other mindfulness techniques with the world through her Mindful Methods for Life trainings and her new book: "Life Falls Apart, but You Don't Have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm In the Midst of Chaos." She holds a B.G.S. from the University of Michigan and a J.D. from George Washington University. Visit www.MindfulMethodsForLife.com.
Online Press Kit: www.JuliePotiker.OnlinePressKit247.com
Website: www.MindfulMethodsForLife.com
Contact: Jennifer Thomas, jennifer.wasabi10@gmail.com
Kindness In Organizational Leadership
Katy McQuaid
Author, leadership consultant
McQuaid Corporate Performance, LLC
"We can make a difference in each other's lives with simple acts of kindness, like allowing ourselves to be fully present with people. … And if you think of it in terms of organizational leaders, it all filters down! The more conscious and aware you become and the more easily and peacefully you can live and work and go through your daily existence, the more that will trickle down to everyone in your world."
Author and leadership consultant Katy McQuaid spent more than three decades in the CIA, including 12 years living abroad. Her work in communities all over the world and the endearing, unconditional love of her four-legged muse Grace inspired her to write the "Everybody Loves Grace" series of illustrated books. Parents, kids of all ages, executives, and organizational leaders hail the series as a beacon of hope and inspiration for anyone navigating change or challenging circumstances.
Katy is the founder of McQuaid Corporate Performance, LLC and a graduate of Penn State University where she attended on a full scholarship, lettered all four years as a swimmer, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in finance. She is also a graduate of the Vanguard Executive Development Program at Duke University, the Pinnacle Executive Leader Program at Kellogg's School of Management, and is currently finalizing her studies to become a certified trainer for Conscious Transformation. Katy's goal is to support people and organizations in experiencing successful, meaningful, and empowered transformations.
Katy was the first female Senior Executive in the CIA's Logistics Career Service as well as the first Senior Executive Support Officer in the South Asia War Theater (and the first and only female to date in the position). She also held a key Support Officer position during the transition of US intelligence activities from one city to another in one of the largest European offices. Katy served as an Elder at Pathways Church in Denver, Colorado and currently serves as Chair of the Dorcas Aid America Board of Directors. Learn more at www.EverybodyLovesGrace.com.
Online Press Kit: https://katymcquaid.onlinepresskit247.com
Website: https://www.everybodylovesgrace.com
Contact: Anita Jakab Kovacs, ibookinterviews2@gmail.com
Following are links to job listings for staff and freelance writers, editors and producers. You can view these and more job listings on our Job Board: https://www.cisionjobs.com/jobs/united-states/
- Hedge Fund Reporter – The New York Post (NY)
- Editor, San Francisco Technology Bureau – Wall Street Journal (CA)
Following are links to other news and resources we think you might find useful. If you have an item you think other reporters would be interested in and would like us to include in a future alert, please drop us a line at profnetalerts@cision.com
- BACK TO THE CLASSROOM: AP STYLE RULES FOR EDUCATION, LGBTQ, SCIENCE, & MORE. We know journalists are busy, and it can be difficult to keep up with recent AP Stylebook changes. So we've done the work for you, rounding up a few of the recent significant — and just plain interesting — updates to the AP Stylebook: https://prn.to/2kSx1Ta.
- BLOG PROFILES: CAREER NETWORKING BLOGS. Each week, we feature blogs we love to follow. This week is all about career networking blogs: https://prn.to/2m3jAzY.
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