18.05.2006 12:30:00

GameStop Corp. First Quarter EPS of $0.15 Exceeds Guidance; Operating Earnings Surge 126%; New Software Sales Stronger Than Expected; GameStop Increases Fiscal 2006 Outlook

GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME) (NYSE:GME.B), the world'slargest video game and entertainment software retailer, today reportedrecord sales and earnings for the first quarter ended April 29, 2006.

GameStop net earnings were $11.7 million for the first quarter of2006, including merger-related expenses of $1.3 million ($0.8 million,net of tax benefits) and stock-based compensation of $5.2 million($3.3 million, net of tax benefits). Diluted earnings per share were$0.15 for the first quarter of 2006, including merger-related expensesof $0.01 per diluted share and stock-based compensation of $0.04 perdiluted share. This compares to previously released guidance of $0.04to $0.05 per diluted share. Operating earnings surged 126% to $38.1million.

Total company sales increased 119% to $1,040.0 million incomparison to $474.7 million in the prior year quarter. Comparablestore sales decreased 3.3% during the first quarter, beatingpreviously announced guidance of -7.0% to -9.0% due to strongsell-thru of Microsoft Xbox 360 titles such as Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion from Take 2 Interactive and Ghost Recon: Advanced War Fighterfrom Ubisoft, as well as our best-selling title of the quarter, SquareEnix's Kingdom Hearts II for Sony's PlayStation 2.

"Our exceptionally strong results this quarter are due primarilyto the improved flow of Xbox 360 hardware, early acceptance of the$59.99 price point for next generation software, and the successfulcompletion of key integration strategies between GameStop and EBGames," indicated R. Richard Fontaine, Chairman and Chief ExecutiveOfficer. "While there is more work that needs to be done to fullycomplete the merger, we have concluded many critical facets of theintegration, including the roll out of GameStop's inventory managementsystem to EB stores, applying best practices to the company'soperations, the closing of the West Chester general office and theCoatesville distribution center, and restructuring of fieldmanagement. We continue to have great confidence in our new and usedbusiness model as an earnings driver while the industry moves throughthe transformation to multiple new hardware platforms."

"Our success in the first quarter comes just one year followingthe original public announcement of our merger with EB Games,"continued Fontaine. "We have followed an extremely efficient andproductive plan of integration, are ahead of schedule and in positionto maximize the upside potential of the business over the remainder ofthe year."

Updated Guidance

For the second quarter of fiscal 2006, comparable store sales areprojected to range from -2.0% to +1.0%. Diluted earnings per share forthe second quarter are expected to range from $0.04 to $0.05,including projected stock-based compensation expense of $0.04 perdiluted share. Excluding projected stock-based compensation, secondquarter diluted earnings per share are expected to range from $0.08 to$0.09.

Due to the strong results in the first quarter, we are raising ourfull year fiscal 2006 diluted earnings per share expectations to rangefrom $1.93 to $2.03, including projected stock-based compensationexpense of $0.17 per diluted share. Excluding projected stock-basedcompensation, full year diluted earnings per share are now expected torange from $2.10 to $2.20.

Note that guidance does not include merger costs related to thebusiness combination, which we project could range from $0.03 to $0.05per diluted share for fiscal 2006.

First quarter fiscal 2005 pro forma statements of operations havebeen provided in Schedule III as if the acquisition of ElectronicsBoutique Holding Corp. took place at the beginning of fiscal 2005. Inaddition, the pro forma statements of operations include stock-basedcompensation expense as if SFAS No. 123(R) was implemented at thebeginning of fiscal 2005.

Conference Call and Webcast Information

A conference call with GameStop Corp.'s management is scheduledfor May 18, 2006 at 11:00 AM EDT to discuss the first quarter salesand earnings results. The conference call will be simulcast on theInternet at (http://www.gamestop.com/investor-relations/). Theconference call will be archived on the website until June 1, 2006.

About GameStop Corp.

Headquartered in Grapevine, TX, GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME)(NYSE:GME.B) is the world's largest video game and entertainmentsoftware retailer. The company operates 4,565 retail stores across theUnited States and in fourteen countries worldwide. The company alsoowns two e-commerce sites, GameStop.com and EBgames.com, and GameInformer(R) magazine, a leading multi-platform video game publication.GameStop Corp. sells new and used video game software, hardware andaccessories for next generation video game systems from Sony,Nintendo, and Microsoft. In addition, the company sells PCentertainment software, related accessories and other merchandise.General information on GameStop Corp. can be obtained at the company'scorporate website: http://www.gamestop.com/investor-relations/.

Safe Harbor

This press release contains forward-looking statements within themeaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Suchstatements include, but are not limited to, the outlook for the secondquarter of fiscal 2006 and beyond, future financial and operatingresults, projected store openings, the company's plans, objectives,expectations and intentions and other statements that are nothistorical facts. Such statements are based upon the current beliefsand expectations of GameStop's management and are subject tosignificant risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ fromthose set forth in the forward-looking statements. The followingfactors, among others, could cause actual results to differ from thoseset forth in the forward-looking statements: the risk that thebusinesses of GameStop and Electronics Boutique will not be integratedsuccessfully or that the cost savings and other synergies from thecombination may not be fully realized or may take longer to realizethan expected; the inability to obtain sufficient quantities ofproduct to meet consumer demand; the timing of the release of the nextgeneration consoles, including Sony's PlayStation 3 and Nintendo'sWii; and economic and other events that could reduce or impactconsumer demand. Additional factors that could cause GameStop'sresults to differ materially from those described in theforward-looking statements can be found in GameStop's Annual Report onForm 10-K for the fiscal year ended January 28, 2006 filed with theSEC and available at the SEC's Internet site at http://www.sec.gov.

GameStop Corp.
Statements of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data)

13 weeks 13 weeks
ended ended
April 29, 2006 April 30, 2005
--------------- ---------------

Sales $1,040,027 $474,727
Cost of sales 737,993 348,690
--------------- ---------------

Gross profit 302,034 126,037

Selling, general and administrative
expenses 231,470 98,986
Depreciation and amortization 25,932 10,194
Stock-based compensation 5,190 -
Merger expenses 1,326 -
--------------- ---------------

Operating earnings 38,116 16,857

Interest expense, net 19,329 83
--------------- ---------------

Earnings before income
tax expense 18,787 16,774

Income tax expense 7,086 6,448
--------------- ---------------

Net earnings $11,701 $10,326
=============== ===============

Earnings per common share:
Basic $0.16 $0.20
Diluted $0.15 $0.19

Weighted average common shares
Basic 73,391 51,000
Diluted 78,472 54,490

Percentage of Sales:

Sales 100.0% 100.0%
Cost of sales 71.0% 73.5%
--------------- ---------------

Gross profit 29.0% 26.5%

SG&A expenses 22.2% 20.8%
Depreciation and amortization 2.5% 2.1%
Stock-based compensation 0.5% --
Merger expenses 0.1% --
--------------- ---------------

Operating earnings 3.7% 3.6%

Interest expense, net 1.9% 0.1%
--------------- ---------------

Earnings before income
tax expense 1.8% 3.5%

Income tax expense 0.7% 1.3%
--------------- ---------------

Net earnings 1.1% 2.2%
=============== ===============

GameStop Corp.
Balance Sheets
(in thousands, except per share data)

April 29, April 30,
2006 2005
----------- ---------
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 224,881 $ 149,414
Receivables, net 33,375 10,136
Merchandise inventories 631,874 255,122
Prepaid expenses and other current
assets 35,357 18,195
Prepaid taxes 53,340 -
Deferred taxes 43,843 5,435
----------- ---------
Total current assets 1,022,670 438,302
----------- ---------

Property and equipment:
Land 10,498 2,000
Buildings & leasehold improvements 272,578 114,794
Fixtures and equipment 358,604 197,887
----------- ---------
641,680 314,681
Less accumulated depreciation and
amortization 210,799 133,983
----------- ---------

Net property and equipment 430,881 180,698
----------- ---------

Goodwill, net 1,392,467 320,888
Assets held for sale 19,315 -
Other noncurrent assets 47,977 2,268
----------- ---------
Total assets $ 2,913,310 $ 942,156
=========== =========

Current liabilities:
Accounts payable $ 410,808 $ 211,686
Accrued liabilities 294,532 96,865
Notes payable, current portion 12,491 12,173
----------- ---------

Total current liabilities 717,831 320,724

Deferred taxes 12,307 20,197
Other long-term liabilities 37,479 14,451
Notes payable, long-term portion 21,622 24,347
Senior floating and fixed rate notes payable,
net of discount 942,023 -

----------- ---------
Total liabilities $ 1,731,262 $ 379,719
----------- ---------

Stockholders' equity:
Preferred stock - authorized 5,000
shares; no shares issued or outstanding - -

Class A common stock - $.001 par value;
authorized 300,000 shares; 45,042
and 24,695 shares issued, respectively 45 25

Class B common stock - $.001 par value;
authorized 100,000 shares; 29,902
shares issued and outstanding 30 30

Additional paid-in-capital 973,422 509,969
Accumulated other comprehensive income 4,445 466
Retained earnings 204,106 101,947
Treasury stock, at cost, 0 and 3,263
shares, respectively - (50,000)
----------- ---------

Total stockholders' equity 1,182,048 562,437
----------- ---------
Total liabilities and
stockholders' equity $ 2,913,310 $ 942,156
=========== =========

Schedule I
GameStop Corp.
Retail Sales Mix

13 Weeks Ended 13 Weeks Ended
April 29, 2006 April 30, 2005
-------------------- ---------------------

Percent Percent
Sales of Total Sales of Total
---------- --------- ---------- ----------
Sales (in millions):
New video game hardware $160.6 15.4% $73.9 15.6%
New video game software 406.1 39.1% 183.6 38.7%
Used video game products 275.7 26.5% 135.3 28.5%
Other 197.6 19.0% 81.9 17.2%
---------- --------- ---------- ----------
Total $1,040.0 100.0% $474.7 100.0%
========== ========= ========== ==========

Schedule II
GameStop Corp.
Gross Profit Mix

13 Weeks Ended 13 Weeks Ended
April 29, 2006 April 30, 2005
-------------------- --------------------
Gross Gross
Gross Profit Gross Profit
Profit Percent Profit Percent
--------- ---------- --------- ----------
Gross Profit (in millions):
New video game hardware $13.0 8.1% $2.3 3.1%
New video game software 81.7 20.1% 33.6 18.3%
Used video game products 140.9 51.1% 62.7 46.3%
Other 66.4 33.6% 27.4 33.4%
--------- ---------
Total $302.0 29.0% $126.0 26.5%
========= =========



For the
thirteen Historical Historical
weeks ended GameStop Electronics GameStop
April 30, Corp. Boutique Corp
2005 April 30, April 30, Pro Forma Pro
2005 (a) 2005 (a) Adjustments Forma
---------- ----------- ----------- --------

Sales $ 474,727 $ 504,905 $ - $979,632

Cost of sales 348,690 374,845 - 723,535
---------- ----------- ----------- --------
profit 126,037 130,060 - 256,097

general and
expenses 98,986 114,342 - 213,328
Depr. and
amort. 10,194 10,797 1,204 (c) 22,195
expenses - 1,500 (1,500)(b) -
compensation - - 2,576 (j) 2,576
---------- ----------- ----------- --------
earnings 16,857 3,421 (2,280) 17,998

expense, net 83 (917) 20,374 (d),(e) 19,540
related int.
expense - -
---------- ----------- ----------- --------
tax exp.
(benefit) 16,774 4,338 (22,654) (1,542)

Income tax
(benefit) 6,448 1,561 (8,587)(f) (578)
---------- ----------- ----------- --------

(loss) $ 10,326 $ 2,777 $ (14,067) $ (964)
========== =========== =========== ========
Net earnings
(loss) per
Class A &
Class B
common share
--basic $ 0.20 (h) $ 0.11 $ (0.01)(i)
========== =========== ========

shares of
stock--basic 51,000 24,696 (4,467)(g) 71,229
========== =========== =========== ========

Net earnings
(loss) per
Class A &
Class B
diluted $ 0.19(h) $ 0.11 $ (0.01)(i)
========== =========== ========

shares of
diluted 54,490 25,079 (8,340)(g),(k) 71,229
========== =========== =========== ========

(In thousands, except per share data)

(a) Certain reclassifications have been made to the historical
presentation of GameStop and EB to conform to the presentation
used in the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated statement
of operations.

(b) To give effect to the exclusion of certain expenses of $1,500
which are directly attributable to the mergers and are believed to
be of a one-time or short-term nature.

(c) To give effect to the intangible asset amortization and
depreciation on the property and equipment adjustment based on the
preliminary allocation of the purchase price over estimated useful

(d) To give effect to the interest expense incurred related to the
receipt of $941,472 resulting from issuance of $650,000 in senior
notes, at an interest rate of 8.0% and $300,000 in senior floating
rate notes at an interest rate of LIBOR plus 3.875%. The senior
notes were issued at a discount of $8,528 and interest expense
includes the amortization of this discount over seven years.

(e) To give effect to the amortization of deferred financing fees
relating to the $400 million revolving credit facility, the senior
floating rate notes and the senior notes over five, six and seven
years to match the terms, respectively.

(f) Represents the aggregate pro forma effective income tax effect of
Notes (b), (c), (d) and (e) above.

(g) The pro forma earnings per share have been adjusted to reflect the
issuance of 20,229 shares of GameStop Class A common stock to EB
common stockholders as if they were issued on January 30, 2005 and
to reflect the elimination of the outstanding shares of
Electronics Boutique.

(h) The holders of Historical GameStop Class A and Class B common
stock generally had identical rights, except that the holders of
Historical GameStop Class A common stock were entitled to one vote
per share and the holders of Historical GameStop Class B common
stock were entitled to ten votes per share on all matters to be
voted on by stockholders. Earnings per common share amounts
represent per share amounts for both classes of common stock.

(i) The holders of GameStop Class A and Class B common stock generally
have identical rights, except that the holders of GameStop Class A
common stock are entitled to one vote per share and the holders of
GameStop Class B common stock are entitled to ten votes per share
on all matters to be voted on by stockholders. Earnings per common
share amounts represent per share amounts for both classes of
common stock.

(j) To give effect to the stock-based compensation expense as if SFAS
123(R) had been adopted as of January 30, 2005.

(k) To remove the effect of securities that are anti-dilutive in
nature due to the pro forma loss in the 13 weeks ended April 30,

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